Saturday, June 29, 2013

Painted Lines Blog Stop, Dee's Review, AND A BIG BIG Giveaway

Painted Lines
By Brei Betzold

This can be purchased on Amazon or Smashwords

Scout has always wanted to follow in her family’s business of custom bike building. Being female never stopped her from getting greasy and slapping on paint with the best of them, and made her work even harder at opening up her own shop someday.

When an opportunity to win $500,000 dollars in prize money presents itself, Scout and her group of misfit friends sign on the dotted line to be filmed for a reality television show to win it. But like anything in life there’s always a catch to free money.

When nightmares of the past meet dreams of the future, Scout is forced to face her demons, or be quickly over run by the memories. In the midst of her inner turmoil, family will come home, and possibly a life she never expected to have could be within her grasp.

About Brei:
Stay at home mom to one very interesting little boy. I have been writing since 7th grade when my English teacher turned me onto poetry and never stopped. Thank you Mrs. Williams. In high school I had yet another English teacher inspire me to start writing short stories where I found my first true love, turning words into something so simple yet complex that it can move other people to love it or hate it, but in the end to feel emotions about something I created.

Social Media Links for Brei are:

Book Goodreads page / Brei's Goodreads page / Brei's Blog / facebook / twitter

Dee’s Review:

Wow. So I read this book in one day. Granted it was in a car ride from Atlantic City to Ohio, but still one day. Really, 10 hours. I had a little trouble getting into it at first. I mean I could tell that Scout is tormented by a memory or something she went through, but it isn't something that is spelled out right away. We, along with Thayne, have to wait for her to open up and tell us the full story. Sorry, I'm impatient.

 We may get snippets here and there, I was dying to know what the heck was tormenting her. Then it comes out, I promise you I cried. Not once thought. Every time she had to tell the story, or live through a nightmare, I cried. It took me there. It took me to that he!! that she lived through. It's escaping it that seems to be the problem.

This just goes to show you how well this book was written. How she may have been damaged, but still is a fighter to the core.  And every day is a fight. Not only to get your life back from everyone controlling and intervening, but then everything that happens to her in the scheme of the story... it was a lot to handle. And its so painfully obvious to me as a reader how much of a fighter this chick is, and of course she doesn't see it. But Scout is so bad ass. All of what i just told you, PLUS she rides a motorcycle, and can rebuild and paint them. I Want to be HER!!

In all honestly, the whole case was. Liam, Kale, Cas, Scout, Nikki, Thayne, Cam, and of course Zadok. They are all just eat-you-up awesome. And you will love them. From the gay couple, to the struggling married, even Saul and  Matt. Even the ones you hate, I mean, you don’t just hate them- you despise them. Gah, one word. Ace!! or worse TRISTAN! Immediately I get irritated. Okay, downright Pissed!

 Obviously, I can go on and on about how good this book was. Despite the slow moving beginning, I think this was an awesome book. I do have to say this one thing.. There is no way this is really the end, is it???? I give this book  4 hearts. Enjoy!!

Now on to the GIVEAWAY…..

Giveaway Info:
2- swag packs
2- Painted Lines e-books 
2- signed paperbacks
2- necklaces inspired from Painted Lines
$25 Starbucks gift card in celebration of Scout's addiction 

Enter here ---------->>>>>> Rafflecopter giveaway

Diary of a Dieter by Marie Coulson Cover Reveal

Diary Of A Dieter
By  Marie Coulson

Genre: A British Contemporary Romantic Comedy
Release Date: August 2013

Curvy girl, Charlene Winters, had it all: the great career, wonderful friends and a dreamy fiancé.
With her wedding day just three weeks away, Charlene is dealt a devastating blow. Suddenly finding her life, hopes and plans in tatters, the jilted bride sinks into despair and a tub of Ben and Jerry’s cookie dough. With the heartache of her fiancé’s infidelity still fresh, Charlene’s whisked away by her friends on a life-changing holiday. But how will this big fish cope now that she’s back in the dating pond and surrounded by slender trouts with Botox lips?
Frustrated by best friend Adam thwarting her attempts at romance, and her girls Vanessa and Dana eager to set her up with a boy toy, Charlene decides the time for change is upon her. What she needs is a change of scenery, a change of dress size and maybe, a change of heart.

Exclusive Excerpt
And then it dawned on me. If Brad wasn’t getting off on my jelly parts, then whose jelly mould was he filling instead?
“Oh. My. God. Who is she?”
Adam had taken a seat on my pastel pink sofa and his eyes were burning into me as I held my breath, waiting for the reply.
“What? What do you mean who is she?”
I snorted a laugh.  
“Now who needs to be honest? I’m not an idiot Brad. You’re not fucking me and I know you aren’t self-pleasuring. We both know how you hate the mess and all. So don’t bother pretending like you’re not screwing some skank. I should probably get fucking tested. Do you keep your clothes on with her to avoid all the icky sex sweat too?”
That seemed to just make him angry.
“She is not a skank!”
I knew it! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! Oh the arsehole-ism knows no bounds! Not only was I jilted, dumped and fat, but I was also cheated! Merry Christmas Charlene!
“You dick! You complete and total dick! How long!? Who is she? I have a right to know!”
He sighed deeply in a self-pitying way as though it were hard for him to speak. Pfft. He’d get no sympathy from me. He’d given me a ring and now I would give him the finger. Metaphorically speaking of course.
“Uh, Charlie?”
I turned around and held my hand over the receiver as I snapped at Adam.
“Shhh. Can’t you see I’m in the middle of being crushed? Can’t a girl get dumped in peace anymore?”
He made a gesture as though he were zipping his mouth shut and leaned back in his seat.
“She’s a woman from work. We went out for drinks one evening after work. We were celebrating a huge win on a case. One thing led to another and…”
“And you had a minor memory lapse in which you forgot you were engaged!? You are such an asshole!”
“I never meant for it to happen, Charlene. It just did. I’m sorry and I would have preferred you to have never found out but I couldn’t marry you when I’m in love with Aneska.”
The skank had a name. Aneska. Sounded like some sort of medicinal cream you rubbed on a bad nappy rash or irritation. Right now, that’s exactly what she was. A pain in my arse!
“I hate you. I hate you so fucking much.”
“Please try to understand, Charlene. I’m doing this for both of us.”
I laughed.
“Oh, how silly of me. I should have thanked you for shagging your colleague. It was such a wonderful and sweet gesture for you to make. It’s the best Christmas gift I could ever have asked for. Truly. But next year, I’d love for you to stick your dick in a live plug socket! It’ll leave you just as shocked and burning as I am right now! It would be the best gift ever.”
I cast my eye at Adam who had crossed his legs and cleared his throat a little. He was clearly imaging how that sort of connection might feel. Shame Brad couldn’t have done the same. If he’d have kept his fucking legs crossed, I wouldn’t currently want to hack his dick off with a rusty kitchen knife. Meat and two veg, coming right up!

About Marie
Born and bred in England, Marie discovered her love for writing when she was a mere child. Beginning with poetry and short stories, she soon discovered her flare and passion for the written word.

After pursuing a career in childcare, education and the care of the elderly, she left her job in the summer of 2012. Embarking on a new career as a therapist, it was at this point that she finally sat down to write a novel that had been plotted for nearly three years. Only three months later…Bound Together was born.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Lovely Cover Reveal and Gift Card Giveaway

 by Beth Michele

Expected Release Date: September 2013

Genre: New Adult Romance

Cover Design by: E.M. Tippetts Book Designs

Add it to your Goodreads HERE  


A moment can change everything…

Ashton Taylor.  Six foot one, Dark hair, chiseled jaw, riveting hazel eyes, and a body cut in all the right places.  He’s a natural.  Things just come easy to him. He’s used to getting everything he wants, excelling at everything he does.  The grades, the recognition, the beautiful women.

His path was set.  A girl, a full scholarship to UCLA, and a bright future.  To others, his life seemed perfect.  But, things are never what they seem, and life, well, at any moment, something or someone can come along and turn it upside down.

That something…the death of his father.

That someone… Cara Hayward.  The girl with the hypnotic eyes, melodic voice, enchanting smile, and lips sent straight from heaven.

The girl who doesn’t want to be seen.

So what happens when a guy who everything comes easy to, meets a girl who doesn’t come easy?  Can he crawl through all the broken glass to find her?  Will the girl he discovers deep down be able to see past his perfect exterior?

Together, do they have the power to heal one another?  Or, could the very thing that brings them together, be the one thing that tears them apart?

**Lovely is a New Adult Romance with strong language and mature sexual content.

Author Bio:

Beth Michele is a wife, a mom, an author and a lover of all things chocolate, well, anything sweet really. While stuffing chocolate in her face, she enjoys reading young adult and new adult novels furiously, and spending time

with her husband and two adorable children who keep her on her painted toes. Those same children who inspire her to tell silly stories that cause hysterical giggles to tumble from their bellies. Beth is a hopeless romantic and a happily ever after fanatic who loves to write about love.

Author Social Media Links:

About that ….GIVEAWAY…

 2 winners will each receive a $10.00 Amazon Gift card

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I Breathe You Cover Reveal

I Breathe You
 by Lori L. Clark 

Publication date:  July 2013 
Genre: NA contemporary romance

When a tragic accident leaves Rhane Evans -- lead vocalist for the rock band Fate's Crazy -- permanently unable to speak above a whisper and kills the love of her life, she moves across the state to pick up the pieces. Shattered, Rhane struggles to understand what happened the night of the accident, an accident everyone blames her for, even though she wasn't driving the car.

Enter Ian Callahan. He's the one person who may have a more tumultuous past than Rhane. Though they try hard to deny the sizzling attraction between them, it proves nearly impossible. When Ian's troubled past threatens to tear them apart, they begin to believe happiness isn't in their cards.

Because Fate's Crazy that way...

Add this to your Goodreads---->> HERE 

Author Bio

I read, I write, I run 1/2 marathons for fun. Ten things about me:

1. I'm an only child.
2. I love dogs!
3. I was born in Iowa City, Iowa and lived in Iowa my whole life until January 2007.
4. I worked as a professional psychic reader for 2 years.
5. I'm a Pisces Sun, Leo Moon with Aquarius rising.
6. I've written 5 books and am in the process of brainstorming a 6th.
7. I don't look or act my age!
8. I ran my first 1/2 marathon at age 50.
9. I love 80's hair band music.
10. My day job is as a claims payment analyst for one of Fortune 500 Magazine's "Top 100 places in America to work."

You can find Lori on Website / Goodreads / Facebook / Twitter

Bad Things by R.K Lilley blog tour review/giveaway


Danika hasn’t had an easy life. Being insanely attracted to bad boys has never helped make it easier.

One look at Tristan, and every brain cell she possessed went up in smoke. This man was trouble with a capital T. It was a given.
She knew better. Bad boys were bad. Especially for her. Considering her history, it was crazy to think otherwise. So why did crazy have to feel so damn fine?

For as long as she could remember, Danika had been focused on the future with single-minded purpose. Tristan came along and taught her everything there was to know about letting go, and living in the present. She fell, hard and deep. Of course, that only made her impact with the ground that much more devastating.

I woke up a few mornings later having the most graphic sex dream of my life.
It was Tristan’s big hands on me in the dream, cupping my breasts and kneading, working down my belly, between my legs.
We were out in the pool, alone. Like most dreams, nothing quite made sense. Like, why were we skinny-dipping in the middle of the day? Still, my dreaming mind went with that eagerly.
I was lying on an inflatable lounge that we hardly ever used, because it was shaped in a huge circle, with the middle cut out, and the boys always found horrible ways to use it, like sticking each others’ heads in the hole and dunking.
The hole was being used for an entirely different wrong way in my dream, though. Tristan filled the hole, his distracting torso spilling out of it as he used his mouth on me in the most distracting way.
I’d never had a guy go down on me before, and even in the dream my imagination was limited. He just nuzzled me there, his hands far more of a distraction.
I woke up with my panties around my knees, and my shirt pulled up to my neck. One of my hands was on a sensitive breast, kneading at it, the other fingering my clit with restless strokes.
It wasn’t that I didn’t care that Tristan was sleeping on the other side of my queen-sized bed, a big pillow all that separated us, it was more that I was too turned-on to let it deter me, and my sleepy mind told me that I could be quiet enough not to wake him. I’d gotten myself too worked up to stop, but I knew from experience that I needed more than my fingers to get myself off.
The hand on my breast reached over to my nightstand, opening the drawer very slowly, the finger on my clit still circling, again and again.
I tried not to make any noise as I fished out my vibrator, but the low vibrating sound that it made when I turned it on was louder than I could ever remember. Then again, I didn’t have the luxury of turning on music to drown it out, as I usually did, with someone dead asleep in the bed next to me.
I gasped as I shoved it inside of me. I was wet from the dream, and it slid right in. I used one hand to hold it there, the hand from my breast moving to work on my clit.
My eyes were closed, my breath coming out in quiet little pants. They only opened as I felt the bed moving.
That movement should have made me stop, or panic, or do anything at all besides moan, shift the wand inside of me, and bite my lip as I glanced over at the gorgeous man moving towards me.
Stupid, stupid, stupid, I told myself.
More, more, more, my body screamed back. Tristan made a guttural sound, low in his throat,
and I couldn’t hold back my own low moan.
I was under the covers, but so was he, so that hardly helped. I didn’t protest when he pulled them
off both of us.
He moved close, crouched at my side, his knees a
breath away from my hip and thigh. The look in his eyes was...intoxicating.
He bit his lip, and I felt myself clench around the wand in response.
My legs were splayed apart, and he moved to straddle one of my thighs, looming over me, but still not touching.
I watched him swallow hard, his eyes fixed on my hands.
I squirmed.
“Can” he asked hoarsely.
I couldn’t even form the words to answer, just
whimpering and shifting restlessly instead.
He took that for a yes. One of his hands covered
the hand that held the wand, tugging it up my body.
I started to protest as it started to slip out of me,
but his knee caught it, pushing it deep inside of me. “Ohhh...” I gasped.
He moved my hand until I was cupping my own
breast. He squeezed my wrist, which in turn made me knead harder at my pliant flesh.
“Pinch your nipple,” he told me, licking his bottom lip. I felt my own tongue copy the motion as I obeyed.
My eyes, hungry to take him in, shot from his intent face, down his ripped torso, past the sexy V formed by the muscles at his hips, and to his heavy erection. He still wore boxer briefs, but they barely contained his jutting cock. I gyrated my hips, trying to get closer to his knee, and grinded the vibrator deeper inside of me.
“Mmmm,” he moaned. “That’s right, Danika. Perfect. Circle your hips just like that.”
His other hand moved over the hand I had on my clit, not touching anything but the back of my hand as he took over the movements.
I circled my hips, while he moved my hand to circle my clit with just the perfect pressure.
He moved the hand at my nipple to my other breast, nearly touching my skin as he rubbed my fingers deep.
He cursed long and fluidly.
I caught movement at the bottom of my vision, and looked down to see his erection visibly twitch, pre-come soaking his boxers where they touched the tip of him.
“Tristan,” I moaned.
I closed my eyes, a heady orgasm washing over me in lush waves.
“Danika,” he rasped, his knee jerking up until it was no more than a whisper away from my entrance.
He moaned, long and low.
I didn’t open my eyes again until I felt him moving away. The wand slipped partially out of me, and I pulled it the rest of the way out, hastily turning it off as I rolled over to look at him.
He’d flung himself onto his back beside me, his arm thrown over his eyes.
His breathing was harsh.
I swallowed, my eyes moving down his body. “Did you, um...?”
He sucked in a breath. His voice was low. “Please, don’t ask. I haven’t embarrassed myself that bad since I was a teenager.”
I glanced down, the state of his shorts, and his words, telling me clearly what the answer was.
I lay down on my back, pulling the covers up to my neck. I was a little in shock about what I’d just done. What the hell was wrong with me?
My hormones had ignited, and I was pretty sure I’d lost some important brain cells in the fire.
“Fuck, what was that?” he panted.
“That was crazy,” I gasped. “And stupid. Especially stupid.”
“If that was your first attempt at winning the
teasing war, I’m not sure if you just won or lost it all with one try.”
In spite of myself, I giggled. “There is no teasing war. Get that out of your head. This is not a contest. This is a disaster that never needs to happen again.”
“Seriously, though, if I wake up to that again, I’m not sure what I’ll do, Danika.”
“It won’t happen again, so don’t worry your pretty little head about it.”
“And what if I...accidentally start jerking myself off in my sleep?”
“Stop it. You’re incorrigible.”
“And you are the queen of all teases. You know I’ll never get that picture out of my head...Fuuuuck. Do you have any idea how much this messes with me?”
I sighed. “I think I have a pretty good idea, Tristan. Can we just...never mention this again?”
“I can try, but that doesn’t mean I won’t be thinking about it.”
“Yeah, I know.” There was no way I’d ever forget the look on his face as he’d helped me get myself off.
“Just let me ask you one thing, before I drop the subject forever.”
I blew my breath out in a noisy sigh. “Go for it.” “What started that?”
“I was having dream. I think I can feel
some sympathy for the wet dream thing guys have now.”
“Was it about anyone specific?” he sounded more than idly curious.
“No,” I lied through my teeth. “And that was more than one question.”
“One more, I swear, and then I’m done. What was the dream about?”
“I was getting oral on a floatie in the pool.”
He cursed fluently, and he didn’t ask me any more questions.

Dee's Review:

So everyone knows i love my doms, well if you don't - you do now. So naturally since I loved James Cavendish, I expected to love Tristan just as much. Don't get me wrong, I did. I'm just not sure what the point of this story was. There wasn't anything that was huge, no real true cliffhanger ending. It just kinda ended inthe middle of the story. Okay let me back up. Danika is a college student/nanny who acts like a 40yr old but is only 21. When Tristan walks into her life, he helps her live and have fun, and let go. Something she needs greatly. They try being friends, which doesn't exactly work out. I mean If you were pressed against that man meat and seeing that every day, or watching him Interact with kids, just being all around awesome. Then add he is a singer and the tattoos and muscles. I mean that is like danglin a steak in front of lion. Of course RK sucks us in with the man, but in this book we don't really get to see the kink, just a taste of the Dom. And god it's hot. Let me just tell you there are more than one scene where .. Yeah.. HAWT!  Like panty melting hot. But I don't know the point. It seriously seems to me this was just a background on their relationship- we still don't know how they get to where their relationship is in the "up in the air" series. But... It did give us background on how James Cavendish net Danika and Tristan, his closest friends in his books. I jut was left feeling like there could've been more. Maybe it's because I know the story isn't over. I don't know. But I liked it.

I give it 3.5 stars

Author profile:

R.K. Lilley lives in Colorado with her husband and their two beautiful sons. She's had a lot of interesting jobs, from being a first class flight attendant, to being a stablehand, but swears she never knew what hard work was until she had children. She's been addicted to both reading and writing fiction since she can remember. She loves to travel, read, hike, paint, game, watch anime, and make the most of every single day. She is the author of the erotic romance novels In Flight, Mile High, Grounded, and the novella, Lana.

Author Links:

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Fatalism Cover Reveal

By L.K. Collins
Genre: Erotica
Release Date: August 1 2013
Cover release organized by: I Love Indie Books

Alexa Schaefer has been through more pain and
hurt in her life than your average twenty-eight year old. She protects her heart by controlling everything around her and living her life according to a strict set of rules. For years, she has lived behind a wall, not allowing anyone into her heart. That is, until she meets Vincent, a man she can't get out of her head no matter what she tells herself. On the outside, Vincent Mileski appears to be a confident, no nonsense attorney. A prodigy in the field of law, he has just won the biggest case of his career. Needing out of the spotlight, Vincent moves back to his home state of Colorado
to get some time alone to heal from a previous betrayal. He hasn’t had a woman turn his head in years, that is, until he meets Alexa. After only knowing her name and the sweet taste of her kiss, she is torn from his arms.

Will fate bring these two back together, or will they spend an eternity searching?

Add it on Goodreads: HERE

Check out the Trailer--->>> Here 

Author Bio:

LK is, first and foremost, a wife and a mother. She has always had a mad passion for reading, and recently turned that passion into the love and talent of writing. She writes sexy and erotic adult romance. Fatalism is her debut novel, which is part of the Life. Destiny. Fate Series. The series will contain five books, all of which are their own stories and can be read in order or as stand alones.

You can find LK on facebook, twitter or her goodreads author page

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Playing for Keeps Book Blitz by Emma Hart

From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, Emma Hart, comes the second book in The Game series, and the story everyone wanted after The Love Game…

She's in love with him. 
He's trying not to love her. 
One night changes everything.

Aston Banks never meant to get close to Megan Harper – not even for that one night. Haunted by a childhood he refuses to face, he knew she could break through every wall he’d ever built and tear them down without even realising she was doing it. 

Betraying Braden by starting a relationship with Aston wasn’t on Megan’s to-do list, but the second she sees a glimpse of someone other than the arrogant ass she’s come to know, she can’t walk away. 

Aston’s childhood is worse than Megan ever guessed, but as he tries and fails to push her away, it’s clear her love is stronger than the demons that cling to him every day. And now, because of it, he finally has to deal with what he’s buried deep down. 

What he doesn’t want to face. What he’s fought against for so long. 

And they have to do it all without Braden finding out.

Keeping a relationship secret has never been harder. 

**This book can be read as a standalone novel, but reading The Love Game (The Game, #1) beforehand is advised.**

********Sandie's Review:********

Ok I fell in love with Emma Hart, yup I am in love. Her writing syle is refreshing and even though I swore the first book I read by her The Love Game was going to be cliche it was like so awesome I fell in love. My review for that book (Here).

With that said I was like ok I loved the way book one ended wtf why is there a book 2???
Well slap me
and call me stoopid! Umm book 2 is a continuation but not of the same characters, this is Aston and Megs story. I was excited...whoooo I loved her in book 1.

So Megs deal is this. She is in love with Aston, Bradens frat brother. In book 1 we learn that Braden and Megan (Meggy) are BFFs. They grew up together and he is very protective of her, he tells people she is his sister. Braden has warned everyone in the house to stay away from her, especially Aston.

Megs has been in love with Aston for the past 3 months and one night Braden is away and well you know that saying when the cat is away the mice will play. Yup its true. Aston and Megs hook up.

We learn a great deal about Aston and his past. Can I just say that I LOVE EMMA HART!!! I think I said it but I will proclaim it from the mountain tops, she created Aston so wonderfully that I am literally already missing him. I love that even though he had a rough childhood he pushed forward. He is just yummy and c'mon any man that can quote Pride and Prejudice is like instantly my favorite. Yup Aston is my favorite.

I love that Megan is funny and so down to earth. I love her character, I think in book one she made me laugh becuz she just knew what was good for Braden and Maddie that they kind of played into her hands. Megs is someone that I would totes hang out with and just chill. Actually all the characters and that is what I love is that you get sucked in. I didn't want to leave this world. I was so glad that this was nothing like book one but the characters were all there.

Have I said I LOVE EMMA HART???? yeah??? well guess what I am going to keep saying in because this series is just that amazing. You all know you have to have drama and angst and all that to keep me interested and Emma did that. Plus Megan is from Palm Springs and uh I am from this area so I love it when I read books that write about the place where I live, I feel even more connected to the characters. Is that Weird?? 

I am excited for book 3!! I love when we get different characters stories it makes me happy especially because I love these characters.

I gave this book
4/5 hearts

Author Bio

By day, New York Times and USA Today bestselling New Adult author Emma Hart dons a cape and calls herself Super Mum to a terrible two year old and growing bump, due September 2013. By night, she drops the cape, pours a glass of juice and writes books.
Emma is working on Top Secret projects she will share with her followers and fans at every available opportunity. Naturally, all Top Secret projects involve a dashingly hot guy who likes to forget to wear a shirt, a sprinkling (or several) of hold-onto-your-panties hot scenes, and a whole lotta love.
She likes to be busy - unless busy involves doing the dishes, but that seems to be when all the ideas come to life.

Find Emma online at:

Links to buy The Love Game
Book Playlist

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