Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Dee's Ambrosia Review

Dee’s Ambrosia Review

Okay, I am going to start this by saying I am DAMN Glad I didn’t pick a side prior to reading this book. GAH! This book had me all over the place. Mason, Ash, Mason, Ash... GAAAAAHHHH!!! Here I am at one point pulling for Mason, then I want to slap him upside his head! Hello!! WAKE UP!! If you don’t treat your girl like a queen, someone else will… and what happened?!?! SOMEONE ELSE DID!

 Okay. Let me back up. First of all, there was a couple WTF moments in this book. My Max, sigh. I just want to cuddle him and help him heal. Now that Scarlett is back in town, we hope she can too, heal that is!! But Mason, hello.. Bentley.. really!?!?  That deserved a smack! He didn't even try to stop her.  And I Have serious issues with that! God, Scarlett needed a good slap right then.. for both of them. really, someone just needs to kick this chicks ass. She just doesn't get a clue. And Ash.. I’m not gonna lie. I kinda hated you at the end of Meta. But now, there I am, complete 180.. I am kinda pullin for ya kid.

 I still don’t think Scarlett is in the right place in her head. I think she has a lot to work on personally… That being said, I’m sorry, but I think I am officially on Team Ash. I know Sandie is going to kill me, so I am literally hiding under my bed typing this up. I swear she will find me, and beat me up. I can’t help it. He’s everything she needs. And let’s be honest, you can’t help who you love.

 She can’t help that he is her other half, he just is. And yes, he even made me swoon at some points. Don’t get me wrong, I was pulling for mason in the beginning, but when things picked up, I started to lean towards Ash.. Much like Scarlett. I do really like the progression of Mina and Max’s friendships with Scarlett. I think she needs friends more than she realizes. But I also agree with her thought that she needs to start doing things on her own. Max is right, she needs to love herself. **Sigh… Max*** 

Oh, sorry, Focus… And now, I am back to being mad at Mason. The way he acts when he, well you will know what I am talking about when you read it. But I am reading this like, seriously, wanting to jump in the book and kick him in the shins. Hello!! Get your act together. Rock God or not. Grow Up and act like an adult. But.. I will tell you this… at the end… I was crying. The way it ended.. as soon as I read the last sentence.. seriously, no joke said “I am going to kick her ass, I can’t believe it ended that way”. That is all I am going to say. You need to read this. If you liked Meta, you will LOVE LOVE LOVE Ambrosia. I give it 5 fucking heartbroken, put back together, worth every minute, toe curling, body shaking hearts.

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