Thursday, July 3, 2014

Sharing You by Molly McAdams Blog Tour

Twenty-three year old, Kamryn Cunningham has left all she’s ever known and moved to a small town where no one knows her name, who her parents are, or her social status in the horseracing world. Months after opening her own bakery and evading attempts of being set up by her new best friend, she meets Brody. Kamryn fights the instant pull between them because there’s a detail she can’t dismiss. Brody’s married.

To say that twenty-six year old, Brody Saco has had a rough marriage would be an understatement. After marrying his pregnant girlfriend, he spends the next six years in a relationship filled with hatred, manipulation and guilt involving a tragedy that happened five years earlier. When he keeps running into his sister-in-law’s best friend, Kamryn, he can’t ignore that she makes him feel more with just one look than his wife ever has; and soon he can’t continue fight his feelings for her.

When staying apart proves to be too difficult, Brody and Kamryn enter a relationship full of stolen moments and nights that end too soon while they wait for Brody to file for divorce. But the guilt that comes with their relationship may prove to be too much for Kamryn, and Brody might not be strong enough to face the tragedy from his past in order to leave his conniving wife.

Molly McAdams is the queen of triangles. I try to stay away from them because well they piss me off! I swore after Taking Chances I was done with Molly and the triangles. I mean seriously. It's been two years and I thought, what the heck she can't replicate that book that shall never be named again right? She can't pull those same tricks and make me love a story like that again right? Well slap me and call me stupid because she did it again.
KC or Kamryn Cunningham runs away from her crazy ass family. Her mom and dad do not respect her. Have basically sold her to another family (or picked her fiancé, whatever) so they could merge and get richer. They own horses and stables. You know down south and the Kentucky Derby and all that. Yeah, well they never gave her any room to grow or pursue her dreams. They were controlling, so when she finds out her boyfriend Charles (whom she hates but has no choice in the matter but to be with him) is going to propose she does what any girl who has a crazy family would do, she ran away.

This is where it gets interesting. KC is now in Oregon where nobody knows her and her parents made up this outrageous story by saying she was kidnapped. 

She meets Kinlee and her husband Jace. KC has never told anyone who she is or about her past. She has opened up a cupcake shop and living a fairly good life. Jace has a brother named Brody who is married to...

Olivia (grrrr) this chick seriously needed a straightjacket! We find out Brody hasn't loved her in forever and only stayed with her because of certain circumstances. That lady is straight drama! Nobody even likes her, she's that awful. 

Kinlee has a party which KC attends, and so does Brody. Guess what happens? just take a guess? alright well this is the point for me which I just had problems with the book. I think and even though I knew how crazy Olivia is and everything that is later revealed I still didn't like the way they both went about things. I mean I got it I did and in no way do I believe Olivia is the victim, she was vindictive and just pure evil in my book. I think my issue was that I couldn't connect with the characters. I couldn't see how KC and Brody fell so hard for one another and didn't even talk to each other. I felt that the insta-love was waaay to insta. There was no real build up. I wanted to feel the angst, the drama, the no I shouldn't just a tad longer. I wanted to like Brody, I felt for him, I could see that he was a great guy but he was missing something. 

By the end of the story and sooo much drama
I began to love Brody, KC, Kinlee and Jace. I cried at the end 

not an ugly cry but a few tears, because well, it just pulled all these emotions out of me. Molly McAdams did it again to me and I'm kinda pissed, I swore almost the whole way through she wouldn't do that to me. She would not make me cry and yet she did.

This book just shows Molly's range and how far she is willing to push her readers. Even though there were a few things I personally couldn't connect with, I still think the book is well written and worth the read.

Molly grew up in California but now lives in the oh-so-amazing state of Texas with her husband and furry four-legged daughters. When she's not diving into the world of her characters, some of her hobbies include hiking, snowboarding, traveling, and long walks on the beach … which roughly translates to being a homebody with her hubby and dishing out movie quotes. She has a weakness for crude-humored movies, fried pickles and loves curling up in a fluffy comforter during a thunderstorm ... or under one in a bathtub if there are tornados. That way she can pretend they aren't really happening.

Connect with Molly:
Twitter: @mollysmcadams

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