Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Insider by Olivia Cunning Release Day Blitz + Giveaway

Title: Insider (Exodus End #1)
Author: Olivia Cunning
Release Date: June 30, 2015
Find on Goodreads
Toni wants to be an insider.
Logan just wants inside her.
She’s finally ready to rock...
Toni Nichols set aside her dreams to raise her little sister, but now she's reaching for the stars as the creator of a revolutionary interactive biography about Exodus End. She’s on tour with the rock band to immerse herself in their world, but how will she ever gain the trust of four veteran superstars who've been burned by the media before? Nobody said this was going to be easy. Then again, good things can come in hard packages.
He's always ready to roll…
Adrenaline junkie Logan Schmidt lives for the rush of playing his bass guitar before thousands of screaming fans. When he's not performing onstage or in the bedroom, he's looking for his next thrill in extreme sports. So why does a sweet, innocent journalist get his heart pumping and capture his full attention? Is Toni the real deal or just digging up dirt on his band? Logan’s eager to rock Toni’s world and roll her in the sack, but when she starts to get too close to his heart, she takes her insider look to a place he may never be willing to go.

“Good girls are easy,” Logan said.
“Logan, don’t fuck with her,” Max said. “This is business, not for your twisted sense of pleasure.”
“I can mix business with pleasure.” Logan peered toward the open bus door.
Shouldn’t Toni be climbing the steps now? He hoped he hadn’t scared her away. He found her incredibly attractive. He had a thing for women who understated their beauty, and Toni took understatement to a whole new level. And her rack? God, he could get lost between her enormous tits for hours. He hoped she wasn’t wearing a padded bra under that turtleneck sweater. He planned to find out really soon.
Dare thumped Logan on the side of the head. “You’re so full of shit.”
“Why do you say that?”
“You’re talking smack. You like her.”
“I don’t even know her. How could I like her?”
“Are you talking about me?” a soft, feminine voice said from the top of the bus steps.
Logan turned his head and smiled at her. “Of course not.”
“Oh,” she said, her face falling.
“I already know I like you,” he said.
Her hand moved to her mouth. She touched her lips with two fingers, and a pretty blush spread across her face. Sweet, shy, and female, a combination Logan could never resist. Especially the female part. Her fantastic tits were just a bonus.
Combining her love for romantic fiction and rock 'n roll, USA Today Best-Selling Author Olivia Cunning writes erotic romance centered around rock musicians.

Raised on hard rock music from the cradle, she attended her first Styx concert at age six and fell instantly in love with live music. She's been known to travel over a thousand miles just to see a favorite band in concert. As a teen, she discovered her second love, romantic fiction -- first, voraciously reading steamy romance novels and then penning her own. 

Monday, June 29, 2015

Priest by Sierra Simone Release Day blitz +Giveaway+Review

                                  It is release day! Congrats to you Sierra.

                                 Priest cover

There are many rules a priest can't break. A priest cannot marry. A priest cannot abandon his flock. A priest cannot forsake his God. I've always been good at following rules. Until she came. My name is Tyler Anselm Bell. I'm twenty-nine years old. Six months ago, I broke my vow of celibacy on the altar of my own church, and God help me, I would do it again. I am a priest and this is my confession. ***Priest is a standalone, full-length novel with an HEA. For mature audiences only.*** 


OOOh it's a taboo read! 
Taboo reads are cool, I like pushing the limits and this book being about a Priest sure did push the limits. 

All over my feed theres was this buzz that grew and grew. My friend text me about the book and I was intrigued. I wanted to see why it was so hyped and if it was as good as the people who had read it said it was.
I had no idea what to expect, which I love because then I get no other peoples opinions in my head. 

Tyler Bell is a Priest who is hot. He became a priest due to circumstances from his past. I will not tell you what that is because you need to read it for yourself. He loves being a Priest and his congregation. He is a leader and even though his days can be monotonous and dull he knows he is carrying out the Lord's work and that is all he wants to do.

Then one ordinary mundane day she walks into his confessional. 

Poppy is a woman who walked away from everything she ever knew, starting her life over. She is evaluating certain things. Never being one who grew up in church she wasn't sure how to do this, pray and stuff. She hears Father Bells voice and curiosity sets in. She looks him up on the church website. Of course he's hot but that is not the only reason she continues to go to confessions. 

Alright this is where it starts to get interesting and there is sex...lots of it. 

I know for most people the fact that he is a HAWT Priest who has dirty sex would be appealing but I wasn't entertained. I got bored. I put the book down for about a week. 

Now before you get all crazy I will explain why. It has nothing to do with the fact he was a Priest, I thought that was hot. It was that I could not connect with the characters. I was waiting for something...maybe a build up? There was no build up it was like WHAM BAM they're both in love. Huh? Wait! WHAT? did I miss something? 

The more I read the more discouraged I got so naturally I felt that I needed to step away. The writing is really good. The plot good, I just wasn't sure what it was. So I stepped away. 

Coming back I opened my mind ready to embrace them but I just couldn't connect. I tried, I really tired. I wanted to love this book as much as everyone else but I needed more from Tyler and Poppy. The insta love was just not working for me. Then his inner monologue I just couldn't take it. Seriously if he was that devote to God I'm pretty sure he wouldn't say half of what he did, then again maybe he would who knows. 

For a long time the story sat at 3 stars for me. The sex was good. The book was written well and the story was okay. What had me bump it up to a 3.5 was the ending (no not that it ended). Things happen in the story and I was a bit  confused and that is when it started to suck me in. From that point forward I was like OMG what!? too bad it was the last 15% maybe 20% all I know was that I loved the ending. I felt so happy after that it wasn't enough to get bumped higher but that was only because like I said I couldn't connect with the characters the first 80%. 

I never give up on a book. The whole time I have been reading I have only DNF'd 1 book. I believe that sometimes the story can get better. A character can redeem themselves, if I don't get to the end I wont know. That is why I put books down and come back, so glad I did because I enjoyed it. 

If you are looking for a taboo read with good sex then defo look into this book. I give the author kudos for going against the grain. 

 About the Author Sierra Simone is a former librarian who spent too much time reading romance novels at the information desk. She lives with her husband and family in Kansas City. 

                                    Signed paperback of Priest & $20 Amazon Gift Card

                                        a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Wicked White Release Day Blitz


Are you ready to meet Ace White? You can get your hands on WICKED WHITE by Michelle A. Valentine now!



After his mother dies, rock star Ace White—lead singer of the red-hot band Wicked White—is done with the celebrity game. The phony people, the meaningless one-night stands: he doesn’t want any of it anymore. Quitting in the middle of a sold-out tour, Ace sets out to find some place—any place—where he can be alone.
Aspiring singer Iris Easton’s life has never been easy. First, her mother walked out on her when she was a kid. Now she’s buried in debt, weeks after losing her beloved grandmother. When a mysterious and sexy new guy moves in next door, Iris can’t help but be drawn to his soulful gaze. She can tell there’s something from his past haunting him—something he’s not telling her.
Just as Ace starts falling for Iris, the media go on a worldwide hunt to find the missing rocker. Will true love conquer all, or will the truth be the very thing that tears the couple apart?

Without warning, she throws her arms around my neck and crushes her lips against mine. I know kissing her back is wrong, but I’ll be damned if I don’t want her so badly at this point that I can’t stop myself from giving in. I’ve been so good with restraining myself when it comes to Iris, because protecting her from the chaos that I’ll bring her is what’s always been on the forefront of my mind. Her fingers thrust into my hair, and I reach down and curl my hands around her thighs before hoisting her into the air. Instinctively she wraps her legs around my waist, and I thread one of my hands into her tousled curls while the other is busy cupping that perfect ass of hers. “I’ve wanted you since you walked into my trailer,” she breathes against my lips. A thrill shoots through me at her admission of how long she’s wanted me. “You’ve been driving me out of my mind from the moment I first saw you.” “Then take me.” Her words leave her mouth in a breathy sigh as she gives me permission to ravage her body. I’ve wanted her so much for so long, it would easy for me to say screw it and give in and screw her right here in this shed, but I know that’s a dick move on my part. Iris Easton is not the kind of girl you can sleep with one time and never see again. She’s the kind of girl that makes you change everything you thought you ever wanted in life just to be with her.


Michelle A. Valentine is a Central Ohio nurse turned New York Times & USA Today bestselling author of erotic and New Adult romance. Her love of hard-rock music, tattoos, and sexy musicians inspired her erotic BLACK FALCON series. Website | Newsletter | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Instagram Be a little naughty - join Valentine's Vixens on Facebook for sneak peeks at Michelle's upcoming works, as well as fun and chatting with her and other readers!

Monday, June 22, 2015

~Author Spotlight: Taryn Elliott~

Name: Taryn Elliott
Where you are from: Upstate NY – right between the capital and Saratoga
Writing Genre: I write contemporary romance with a helping of New Adult and Suspense
Tell us about yourself: I’m a full time author, part time graphic designer for myself and a select few. I’m blissfully single and the mommy of a furbaby named Stu. If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter you may have seen pics of the #mascot lol He’s adorably lazy and keeps me company. This year was the first time I was able to tell my day job to shove it! So glad I’m not part of the cubical farm life anymore. I still work sixty hours a week, but at least I love every second of it.
Your latest work in progress: I’m working on “Consumed” the next book in the Lost in Oblivion rockstar series with Cari Quinn. I have to clean up my mess from the minor cliffhanger I left Simon Kagan on in “Destroyed”. WHOOPS! That drops August 4th.
When did you begin writing and why?: I used to tell my best friend stories when I was in middle school and high school. I’d make up fantastical worlds with musicians and actors and everyday women. Then as I got older I started writing them down. I guess I got the bug around thirteen-ish. My friend wasn’t much of a television watcher, but she loved my stories. I’m a huge TV geek so this is my way of telling all those crazy stories I saw on television. I wasn’t really interested in the whole script thing. I’d rather have the control. And I love epic stories with a big cast. I never thought my fanfiction as a kid could turn into a real life calling, but man I do love those musician types. Can’t get enough of them.
What inspires you to write? EVERYTHING. I can see a meme on Facebook, a picture on Pinterest, a blow-me-away finale of a television show—anything can trigger a story in my head. But the one thing that will always inspire me is music. I HAVE to have a playlist for every one of my books, whether it’s a short story or 400+ pages of crazy, all of them have a Spotify playlist.
Are any of your books based on something personal that has happened in your life? Indirectly…yeah I take inspiration from what’s happened in my life for a lot of my stories. One of my first books—Holiday Sparks. Darcy hates Christmas. I’ve worked retail for far too many years. LOL I hated Christmas for a long time.
Who are some of your favorite authors? Nora Roberts and especially her JD Robb (ROARKE!), Cari Quinn, Julie James, Karen Marie Moning, Kaye Hooper,
Favorite book? Born in Fire, Nora Roberts – it’s one that I can always re-read. I love Maggie and Rogan.
Would you change anything that has happened to you? No. I’m a big believer in fate. If I change one thing—everything else could be different. Even if part of me would love to have my parents alive and well again, I always wonder if something else would be drastically different.
Can you share some of your WIP?
What’s the hardest part of writing? Keeping my butt in the chair. I have ideas a plenty but man…writing is HARD. You are alone a lot—which I don’t mind, but if I didn’t have my co-writer for the Oblivion Rockstar Series and best friend-- Cari Quinn, around, I don’t think I’d get nearly as much work done. We really push and support each other.
Do you have any advice for other authors? Yes. Find your community. Support really helps in this business. Find people to sprint with, find other authors in your genre…anything but stay completely isolated. Now…it’s really easy to do TOO much in the community, so there’s a balance that you have to find, but it really has helped me stay sane.
Do you have any other hobbies? Yes. I’m an artist as well, so I do a lot of graphics for us in the writing world. And I also love to crochet and knit. I’m a novice, but it’s really soothing.
Favorite TV show and song? TV show…hands down, SUPERNATURAL. Holy smokes am I a Dean Girl. LOL

Song? Yeah…um. That changes hourly. But right now? Ed Sheeran, Bloodstream (Arty Remix) It’s been on a constant repeat. One that stays with me though is Wanted Dead or Alive, Bon Jovi—I can’t not listen to it if it’s on.

Fast Fire Round Pick One:

Dildo or vibrator? Dildo

Inside or Outside? Inside (bugs…ick)

Hard or Rough? Hard

Beard or No Beard? I enjoy the beardy…just not wildebeest.

Long Hair or Short? Long…fistable. ;)

Sour or Sweet? Sweet

Top or Bottom? Top

Missionary or Doggiestyle? Both? Like now? Ahem…I like it durty. ;) Doggie pls.

Tall or Short? Like ‘em tall!

Ice Cream or Candy? Ice Cream definitely

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Scorched by Jennifer L Armentrout Release week Blitz and Giveaway

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We are absolutely thrilled to bring you the Release Week Blitz for Jennifer L. Armentrout's SCORCHED!! SCORCHED is a standalone New Adult Contemporary Romance and is a part of Jennifer L. Armentrout’s Frigid Series. And be sure to grab FRIGID, the first standalone in this amazing series!!

    Scorched - Cover

Amazon Paperback ** Amazon Kindle ** Barnes and Noble **iBooks

  Side view of Caucasian young woman flipping hair into air.

Sometimes life leaves a mark… Most days, Andrea doesn’t know whether she wants to kiss Tanner or punch him in the gut. He is seriously hot, with legit bedroom eyes and that firefighter body of his, but he’s a major player, and they can’t get along for more than a handful of minutes. Until now. Tanner knows he and Andrea have had an epic love/hate relationship for as long as he can remember, but he wants more love than hate from her. He wants her. Now. Tomorrow. But the more he gets to know her, the more it becomes obvious that Andrea has a problem. She’s teetering on the edge and every time he tries to catch her, she slips through his fingers. Andrea’s life is spiraling out of control, and it doesn’t matter that Tanner wants to save her, because when everything falls apart and she’s speeding toward rock bottom, only she can save herself. Sometimes life makes you work for that happily ever after…   Praise for SCORCHED: “Armentrout’s latest new adult offering tackles substance abuse and mental illness — and, thankfully, the love of a good man is not going to be what heals this heroine.” – RT Book Reviews

              “You’ve been avoiding me all day.”
              “Have not.”
              He cocked his head to the side and raised both brows. “You practically hid in your room or attached yourself to Syd all day.”
              “I was…I was spending girl-time with her,” I said. “And napping.”
              He’d been right. I had avoided him. Apparently, I wasn’t doing that great of a job of it.
              “The same with last night. You barely talked to me.”
              “What?” Dumbfounded, I felt like screaming that word. “I barely talked to you? You ignored me.”
              He stared at me. “Andy, I—“
              “This is stupid. This whole thing is stupid.” I lifted the bottle.
              A moment passed and he asked, “Do you really think you need another beer?”
              Annoyed, I slowly brought the bottle to my mouth and took a long drink. “Does that answer your question?”
              The hue of his blue eyes deepened. “Look, I’m not trying to be a dick—“
              “You might want to try harder. Just sayin’ Might just be my opinion, but thought I’d share.”
              He opened his mouth and then snapped it shut. Several seconds passed. “You know, I didn’t’ say that shit to you to piss you off.”
              I wanted to point out everything he’d done to piss me off, but…but shit on a brick. Anything that I told him would betray how I felt about him, and well, I was already embarrassing myself enough without going there. “You breathed,” I decided, nodding, and totally proud of myself. “How about that?”
              Shaking his head, he rested his elbows on the island. “You can usually do better than that.”
              “It’s not worth my time to do better.” I flounced past him. Well, I might have staggered past him, but in my head, I flounced like a Grade A Uppity Chick, and it was awesome.
              “I wish you wouldn’t drink so much.”
              My feet stopped. Dammit. My feet had a mind of their own, and they had stopped because he’d said that so quietly, not with an ounce of derision or scorn. Actually, it sounded like a plea. The alcohol churned in my stomach. All I could see was his look of pity.
              “Why do you drink like this?” he asked.
              To relax. To not act like a freak. To forget. To remember. To be funny. To have people like me. To not care if they do or don’t. To have fun. To just not care. A burning sensation rolled down my back as my head continued to shout out the answers. I just didn’t want to care.
              I didn’t say any of that. “You drink.”
              “I do. And sometimes I drink and I get drunk, but not every time.”
              Slowly, I faced him. He wasn’t looking at me. His eyes were on the island. “I don’t get drunk every time.”
              He shook his head again. “Andrea, you either get plastered or damn near close. Every time.”
              “That’s not…” I trailed off, and yeah, even I could see where he was right. I could probably count on one hand how many times I’d only had two beers or two shots and then stopped. Come to think of it, I wasn’t sure if I ever had.
              “My dad got shitfaced all the time,” he continued. “Never thought that I’d be interested in a girl who was the same way.”
              My brain registered two things at once. He was interested in me, which wasn’t a big duh. I mean, he’d had his hands in my pants more than once, so yeah, I should’ve known that. But he compared me to his dad, a man I’d recently discovered he pretty much loathed, which pretty much canceled out the first part. Hurt invaded every cell and festered under the skin. The back of my throat burned and I wanted to rush away.
              But I didn’t. “That kind of makes you twisted.”
              Another weak laugh came out of him. “I guess it kind of does.”

Portrait of a pretty teenage girl with redhaircovering her face with her hands


And don’t miss the first standalone book in the series…



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  Scorched RDL Teaser 2   Author PhotoAbout Jennifer L. Armentrout: # 1 NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Martinsburg, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing. she spends her time reading, working out, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, and hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki. Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published with Spencer Hill Press, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen. Her book Obsidian has been optioned for a major motion picture and her Covenant Series has been optioned for TV. She also writes adult and New Adult romance under the name J. Lynn. She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.  

Website ** Facebook ** Twitter ** Novel Goodreads ** Author Goodreads

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Scorched RWB banner  

We are absolutely thrilled to bring you the Release Week Blitz for Jennifer L. Armentrout's SCORCHED!! SCORCHED is a standalone New Adult Contemporary Romance and is a part of Jennifer L. Armentrout’s Frigid Series. And be sure to grab FRIGID, the first standalone in this amazing series!!

    Scorched - Cover

Amazon Paperback ** Amazon Kindle ** Barnes and Noble **iBooks

  Side view of Caucasian young woman flipping hair into air.   

SCORCHED Synopsis: Sometimes life leaves a mark… Most days, Andrea doesn’t know whether she wants to kiss Tanner or punch him in the gut. He is seriously hot, with legit bedroom eyes and that firefighter body of his, but he’s a major player, and they can’t get along for more than a handful of minutes. Until now. Tanner knows he and Andrea have had an epic love/hate relationship for as long as he can remember, but he wants more love than hate from her. He wants her. Now. Tomorrow. But the more he gets to know her, the more it becomes obvious that Andrea has a problem. She’s teetering on the edge and every time he tries to catch her, she slips through his fingers. Andrea’s life is spiraling out of control, and it doesn’t matter that Tanner wants to save her, because when everything falls apart and she’s speeding toward rock bottom, only she can save herself. Sometimes life makes you work for that happily ever after…   Praise for SCORCHED: “Armentrout’s latest new adult offering tackles substance abuse and mental illness — and, thankfully, the love of a good man is not going to be what heals this heroine.” – RT Book Reviews

Portrait of a pretty teenage girl with redhaircovering her face with her hands


And don’t miss the first standalone book in the series…



Amazon ** Barnes and Noble ** iBooks

  Scorched RDL Teaser 2   Author PhotoAbout Jennifer L. Armentrout: # 1 NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Martinsburg, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing. she spends her time reading, working out, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, and hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki. Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published with Spencer Hill Press, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen. Her book Obsidian has been optioned for a major motion picture and her Covenant Series has been optioned for TV. She also writes adult and New Adult romance under the name J. Lynn. She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.  

Website ** Facebook ** Twitter ** Novel Goodreads ** Author Goodreads

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