Thursday, June 5, 2014

Pawn by Aimee Carter

Title: Pawn
Author: Aimee Carter
Format read: Kindle e-book
Pages: 346
Pub Date: November 26, 2013
Genre: YA/Dystopian
Publisher: Harlequin Teen

For Kitty Doe, it seems like an easy choice. She can either spend her life as a III in misery, looked down upon by the higher ranks and forced to leave the people she loves, or she can become a VII and join the most powerful family in the country. 

If she says yes, Kitty will be Masked—surgically transformed into Lila Hart, the Prime Minister's niece, who died under mysterious circumstances. As a member of the Hart family, she will be famous. She will be adored. And for the first time, she will matter. 

There's only one catch. She must also stop the rebellion that Lila secretly fostered, the same one that got her killed
and one Kitty believes in. Faced with threats, conspiracies and a life that's not her own, she must decide which path to choose—and learn how to become more than a pawn in a twisted game she's only beginning to understand.

When I read the synopsis for this book I just felt it was going to be one of those books that was going grab me.

Right from the jump, I was thrown into a world that reminded me kind of like the Hunger Games. At a certain age all kinds get tested. They will get a tattoo on the back of their necks stating what number they are. If you are a 2-3 basically you are a worker and never advance while 4's have it a bit better. Obviously if you are above a 5 you are pretty much set. Kitty our protagonist is tested and receives a
3. While her boyfriend Benjy gets a five. Now in this world this is kind of a big deal because she has to leave to another state and away from him. Then one night she is taken (after a few suspenseful pages) by the Prime Minister. It gets even weirder after this. Lies are exposed, truths are told and nobody will ever be the same again. Kitty is masked and turned into Lila. Say whaaa? I was like Kitty now has to learn to be Lila. She has her face and her body. She must learn to be a different person. Oh and she has a "fiancĂ©" now. Despite all of this she still is Kitty and never forgets that.

Oh and lets me not even get into what I learned about the "elsewhere" I think I was pretty much shocked. I was not expecting it. This book really kept me on my toes and I loved every minute of it. From beginning to end I was so involved in this story. The character and world building had my head dreaming up the story as I read along. I can not wait for the next book in this series. 

I gave this book 
5/5 hearts

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