Friday, January 30, 2015

Day 15 Sharon Kay!! Last Day of the author/blog spotlight.

Whooooo we made it to DAY 15!!

Can you believe it that we made it? I am so happy and excited. Thank you to all the blogs that helped put this spotlight tour on. Thank you to all the authors who participated. Thank you to all you readers for coming along this journey with us. We are so thankful to every single person who helped us get the word out about these 15 amazing authors.

For our 2yr Blogiversary, I was lucky enough to get 15 authors and 4 blogs to help me. Today I am happy to spotlight this author. She writes Paranormal Romance. 
 There is a Q&A video with the Author, where you can learn more about Author Sharon Kay. I hope you all enjoy and don't forget to enter the giveaway. 

Sharon Kay writes award-winning fiction and can never get enough reading time. She loves paranormal romance, with romantic suspense following close on its heels.  She loves winter and black coffee, and is endlessly inspired to write kick-ass heroines and the men strong enough to capture their hearts.
Sharon lives in the Chicago area with her husband and son, and didn’t expect to write one book, let alone a series.  But WICKED WIND and the Solsti series formed in her head one weekend and refused to stay quiet until she put pen to paper.  Her characters tend to keep her up at night, as they banter, fall in love, and slay endless varieties of power-hungry demons.
She loves to hear from readers!  

Thank you all once again for making this a successful spotlight tour!

If you missed yesterdays or the day before's spotlight tours click on the links below so you can see the authors. There is still time to enter those giveaways!!! 

Click HERE for Day 13
                                 and HERE for Day 12


Thursday, January 29, 2015

Katie McGarry's NOWHERE BUT HERE Cover Reveal

West Side Story meets Sons of Anarchy?? Yes, please!

Katie McGarry's newest novel, NOWHERE BUT HERE, has a cover and we are thrilled to get to help reveal it to you today. The first novel in her upcoming The Thunder Road Series, NOWHERE BUT HERE is a young adult contemporary romance that will keep you turning the pages long into the night. We have no doubt that when you get done, you're going to wish you were on a motorcycle and had your own cut of leather across your back! Follow along today as pieces of the cover are revealed, and then stop by the HarlequinTeen Page to see the full cover at 7pm EST! And that's not all, of course! We have a few Behind-The-Scenes pictures from the photo shoot itself for you to enjoy as well! Check out the Behind-The-Scenes pictures and then scroll down for our puzzle piece! Nowhere But Here BTSNowhere But Here BTSNowhere But Here BTSNowhere But Here BTSNowhere But Here BTS

And here's the eighth piece to the cover for you!


Don't miss all of the puzzle piece reveals throughout the day!

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NOWHERE BUT HERE Synopsis: An unforgettable new series from acclaimed author Katie McGarry about taking risks, opening your heart and ending up in a place you never imagined possible Seventeen-year-old Emily likes her life the way it is: doting parents, good friends, good school in a safe neighborhood. Sure, she's curious about her biological father—the one who chose life in a motorcycle club, the Reign of Terror, over being a parent—but that doesn't mean she wants to be a part of his world. But when a reluctant visit turns to an extended summer vacation among relatives she never knew she had, one thing becomes clear: nothing is what it seems. Not the club, not her secret-keeping father and not Oz, a guy with suck-me-in blue eyes who can help her understand them both. Oz wants one thing: to join the Reign of Terror. They're the good guys. They protect people. They're…family. And while Emily—the gorgeous and sheltered daughter of the club's most respected member—is in town, he's gonna prove it to her. So when her father asks him to keep her safe from a rival club with a score to settle, Oz knows it's his shot at his dream. What he doesn't count on is that Emily just might turn that dream upside down. No one wants them to be together. But sometimes the right person is the one you least expect, and the road you fear the most is the one that leads you home.

Add it to your Goodreads Now!


Amazon ** Kobo ** BAM ** Barnes and Noble ** iBooks ** IndieBound

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Katie McGarry was a teenager during the age of grunge and boy bands and remembers those years as the best and worst of her life. She is a lover of music, happy endings, reality television, and is a secret University of Kentucky basketball fan. Katie is the author of full length YA novels, PUSHING THE LIMITS, DARE YOU TO, CRASH INTO YOU, TAKE ME ON, BREAKING THE RULES, and NOWHERE BUT HERE and the e-novellas, CROSSING THE LINE and RED AT NIGHT. Her debut YA novel, PUSHING THE LIMITS was a 2012 Goodreads Choice Finalist for YA Fiction, a RT Magazine's 2012 Reviewer's Choice Awards Nominee for Young Adult Contemporary Novel, a double Rita Finalist, and a 2013 YALSA Top Ten Teen Pick. DARE YOU TO was also a Goodreads Choice Finalist for YA Fiction and won RT Magazine’s Reviewer’s Choice Best Book Award for Young Adult Contemporary fiction in 2013.

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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Day 12 YAY day 12

Day 12, Day 12, Day 12!!!

Yes my friend today is the day we here at the blog spotlight another great Author and Blog!!!

I am so happy to be apart of this Author/Blog Spotlight tour for Book Boyfriend Reviews 2yr blogiversary. 
Today I am spotlighting Author Erika Ahsby and Blog Kristies Kaptavating Reviews 
 There is a short video where you can learn more about Author Erika Ashby, as well as a video from Kristie so you can get to know a bit more about that blog.

Erika was chosen because she has angsty books that make you want to slap people, rather the characters. She writes contemporary romances that touch your heart. This is one author to be on the look out for.


Being born an "Army Brat", Erika Ashby has been residing in Oklahoma the last 10 years finally putting an end to the nomad tendencies she had grown accustomed to. She's a happily married woman who has 5 kids between her and her husband. She has an insane passion for music and a sweet spot for drummers. It wasn't until the age of 29 that she realized she also had a hidden passion for reading; before then she claimed to have hated it. Six months after unlocking that deep desire she never knew she held, she turned the key to another chapter of her life which has become the desire to write. And the rest is still history in the making.

The blogger that is being spotlighted is Kristie's Kaptavating Reviews. Click on the link under her logo to check out her amazing blog.



If you missed yesterdays spotlight day with Author Gretchen De La O or the day before with Author J. Sterling, links are below. There is still time to enter the giveaways!!

Click HERE for Day 11
                                 and HERE for Day 10


Take Me With You by KA Linde Release Day Bitz

TMWY Release Day Blitz Banner
Happy Release Day to K.A. Linde and her new book Take Me with You - book 2 in the Take Me series. Make sure to enter the giveaway below for a signed set of the series! Good luck!
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Grant All of my demons are coming to head. I thought Ari could push them back. I thought I could conquer my vices with her at my side.
I thought wrong.
Aribel Fear is my new constant. I thought I could conceal it, contain it, control it. I thought that now that I had Grant the worst was over.
I thought wrong.
But if we’re going to survive, wherever you go…take me with you.
Take Me With You Teaser 1
Grant practically bounded across the room until he was directly in front of me. Then, his hands were cupping my cheeks so tenderly that it was as if he thought I might break in half. Without a word, his mouth dropped down on mine, and the kiss was as light as a feather. It was a question, a soft and delicate question, one he had never asked before—permission. When I didn’t pull away from him, he received his answer. The kiss deepened, and he coaxed all the anger out of me. He drew it out as if sucking venom from an open wound. He kissed me so heatedly and lovingly that not even a drop remained. All that was left was a bottomless well of emotions of how much I loved and missed him. When I came back into the moment, I heard the catcalls and yells from the people around us. It was then I remembered that we were in a crowded room, surrounded by people, and Grant had kissed the breath out of me. I flushed from head to toe at the attention, but he wouldn’t let me pull away. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I shouldn’t have blown up on you. I shouldn’t have done anything. You’re all that matters.” I stared up at him in confusion. “Who are you, and what have you done with Grant McDermott?” He laughed that beautiful glorious laugh, and a smile lit up his whole face. It was that damn smile that had won me over in the first place. “Run away with me,” he murmured. “What?” “Run away with me. Let’s get out of here.” “Where are we going?” “Anywhere. Everywhere.” AboutTheAuthorKA LindeNEW
USA Today bestselling author K.A. Linde has written the Avoiding series and the Record series as well as the new adult novels Following Me and Take Me for Granted. She grew up as a military brat traveling the United States and Australia. While studying political science and philosophy at the University of Georgia, she founded the Georgia Dance Team, which she still coaches. Post-graduation, she served as the campus campaign director for the 2012 presidential campaign at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. An avid traveler, reader, and bargain hunter, K.A. lives in Athens, Georgia, with her fiancé and two puppies, Riker and Lucy.

Book 1 - Take Me for Granted
Book 2 - Take Me with You
Amazon | B&N | iTunes

Monday, January 26, 2015

Day 11!!!

I am so happy to be apart of this Author/Blog Spotlight tour for Book Boyfriend Reviews 2yr blogiversary. 
Today I am spotlighting Author Gretchen De La O and blog Verna Loves Books. 
 There is a short video where you can learn more about Author Gretchen De La O,  below is a Q&A with Verna Loves Books blog so you can get to know a bit more about that blog.

Gretchen was chosen because she has an amazing teacher/student series called the Wilson Mooney series as well as a romantic suspense called Prototype. Her books keep you enthralled and on the edge of your seat, mixed with the thing all us romantics love...the awww so cute. 

By day Gretchen teaches computers, by night she dons the cloak of motherhood, wifehood, and authorship. She is finding her way through self-publishing and is truly learning to let go with every curve and bump in the creative process. Gretchen enjoys writing about first loves and first times, in the first person. She is a firm believer that anything is possible if you set your mind to it; and what you expect out of life, always finds a way of showing up.

She happily lives in Northern California with her amazing husband, their three terrific boys, her talented mother, one goofy black lab, two crazy kitties, and seven happy chickens. Even though it sounds like it, she doesn't live on a farm.

The blogger that is being spotlighted is Verna Loves Books. Click on the link under her logo to check out her amazing blog.

1.When did you begin your blog? 

I began my blog in October of 2013

2. What made you want to be a blogger?
 I was reading a lot and following other blogs and I just loved it. I loved that they were sharing so many amazing books and I wanted to do the same. So a friend of mine talked me into creating my own blog and I'm so glad she did because I enjoy helping all the amazing authors.

3.What has been one of your most favorite books to review? 
I absolutely loved reviewing Death of the Body by Rick Chiantaretto. It is such an amazing read. It will hook you from the beginning and never looses your interests. His writing is unique and his writing is just beautiful.

4.What was your number one book of 2014 and why? 
My number one book in 2014 would have to be Irrevocable by Skye Callahan. I absolutely loved this book and think everyone who loves books like Fifty Shades will as well. It's remarkable and an amazing story that stayed with me for days. Irrevocable is dark, exciting, suspenseful, and just overall everything I could have possibly hoped for in a book. It absolutely blew me away 

5.Who else do you have on the blog with you?
On the blog I have some amazing girls that review for me, Tess & Randi. Love them to pieces. Then I have Tess helping me keep up with things on the blog. She's a wonderful friend and I love her to pieces. We also have Bree, who has been remarkable to me and supported me for a long time now.

6. Do you post everyday or every other day or certain times of the week? 
I post pretty much everyday. 

7. What is your favorite genre? 
I have to go with the dark and suspenseful and erotica books.

8. You want readers to come to your blog so what do you do to separate it from other blogs? 
I try to have fun giveaways as often as I can and come up with new spotlights to share with the followers. Like recently I started spotlighting models who have been on book covers or used as a muse. I also have fun takeovers planned as often as I can.

9. What do you love about blogging? 
I love that feeling you get when someone tells you thank you or how thankful they are that you took the time to share their book for them or to review their book. I love being able to share my love of books with the world.

10. What goals do you have for your blog this upcoming year? 
The only goal I have set for myself right now with the blog is to do my best to get more reviews done because I didn't get as many done last year as I would've liked. And to get caught up on the books from authors I support. Also to come up with more fun things to share with everyone.

Click HERE for Day 10
                                 and HERE for Day 9

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Day 10!!!!

Day 10!!!
Who is excited? I know I am. I get to spotlight an Amazing Author and Blog.

Today is a great day and I hope you all enjoy this video from both the author and blogger. 

J. Sterling the Author of The Perfect Game and Jack effin' Carter did a short Q&A for us.

See even Drake approves LOL!!

And Nat from Read This Hear That also did a short Q&A because she is today's 

Click on the link to watch the video!!!

I got fired from my last job.

It's true. 

I know you're sitting there thinking, "Jenn, how could anyone in their right mind fire someone as amazing and awesome as you are???" And i'd love to give you a good reason, but the truth is... being This! Awesome! is clearly very scary to other less awesome people.  :)

So I said screw them and started writing my first book. And you know what I realized? Writing books that mean something to me is a million times better than working my ass off for someone who doesn't really care about anything other than the bottom line. 

My soul feels more satisfied. 
My heart, more full.

So thank you for reading, loving and recommending the stories I write. 
I think you're awesome- and not only am I not scared of other awesome people, I want them on my team!


If you missed yesterday or the day before's spotlights and giveaways 
Click HERE for day 9
and HERE for day 8