Publication Date: Dec. 2, 2014
Publisher: Atria Books
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: New Adult
Source: E-Arc received from publisher for a fair and honest review
Gossip is the ultimate currency in Rosemary Beach, but Bethy and Tripp have managed to keep one big secret to themselves.

That was before he met Beth Lowry.
It was only supposed to be a summer fling. She was a sixteen-year-old trailer-park girl who served drinks to his friends at Kerrington Country Club. They didn’t run in the same social circles. No one even knew they were friends, let alone lovers. Yet, for one summer, Bethy became his entire world.
But he couldn’t give up on his plan. He needed to leave Rosemary Beach, but he vowed he would come back for her.
Problem was, by the time he came back—years later than promised—it was too late. His cousin, Jace, had already claimed the woman he loved. . . .
Sometimes I come across a book that touches me in such a way that it embeds itself deep in my soul. Tripp and Bethy's story did just that to me.
When I began this book I was upset about Jace but the more I read, the more I began to see things through the perspective of these two characters I got it. I get it. Slowly this story morphed itself from something so heart wrenching to a story of lost loves and second chances.
Bethy has always intrigued me. She was that one friend who uses her body. Never fully understanding where she was coming from, I was happy to get more of an insight to who she is. Even though I was upset with events that happened, I still wanted to know her backstory. Then there is Tripp. I loved the way he would do anything for his friends.
Getting dual points of view from the past to the present I was able to connect to these characters on a deeper level. I finally saw why Bethy did the things she did. Why Tripp was so protective of her. What brought them together and what tore them apart. I saw the love that was unmistakeable, undeniable, and indisputable. By the time I got to a certain point I was rooting for these two. I wanted them to get that happy ending they both deserved. I knew though that it wasn't going to be a straight shot. There are things Bethy needs to do in order to see that she can move on. That it is okay. Yes, like others I could not see how this could end after the tragedy that befell both Tripp and Bethy in Jaces death. The way Abbi wove this tale I can not express how amazing it truly is. Secrets kept, love scorned, lost and found again. I got to see two characters who through tragedy came back together and heal. Tripp has gotten under my skin like no other character in this series. His loyalty and devotion is so palpable is captivated my very being. Oh and that man's mouth holy hell! Dirty talk like that alone makes this book worth reading.
I know that many are upset about Jace, but we must remember that in life tragedy does happen. Just as it does in books. It makes the story more real, the characters more relatable. When something like this happens, we as readers must remember that life does go on. It may be a while before the character feels sunshine as they used to, but one day they do begin to live again. Same thing can be said with Bethy. This wasn't like she pushed Jace aside. She fought with herself, she struggled, she hurt like any real person would. Slowly she came around, slowly she began to feel again and feel worthy. Tripp gave her that space, he was there and shared in her pain (not physically as Bethy wouldn't allow him near her) He understood her like no one else ever could. She needed to come to terms with his death. Like anyone who has lost someone will tell you time can heal the wounds but we never forget those we love. Jace would have wanted Bethy happy because that is who he was. He loved her so much that her happiness meant more to him then anything else.
I applaud Abbi for not taking the easy route. It must not be easy to do what she did, but the way she did it and the way she honored Jace is beautiful. His spirit lives on in Rosemary Beach, also within his friends.
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Abbi Glines is the New York Times, USA TODAY, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of the Rosemary Beach, Sea Breeze, Vincent Boys, and Existence series. A devoted booklover, Abbi lives with her family in Alabama. She maintains a Twitter addiction at @AbbiGlines and can also be found at and
Facebook: abbiglinesauthor
Twitter: @AbbiGlines
Instagram: @AbbiGlines
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