Friday, October 4, 2013

SURRENDER TO FATE by JACELYN RYE Blog tour/Giveaway/Review by Sandie

Title: Surrender to Fate (Fate’s Path #1)

Author:  Jacelyn Rye

Genre: New Adult Romance 18+

Publication Date:  September 17, 2013

Cover Designed By:  Damonza 

Event organized by: Literati Author Services, Inc.


Some say fate holds the cards. But what if love deals the hand? No love goes untested. Ever. Indeed, true love is left to prove itself. And that is exactly where fate steps in to play the game.

For William and Sarah, that game begins with growing up, in the unspoiled mountains of Colorado. In a time and space as clear as the Rocky Mountain skies above, these young souls together learn about life, what matters most, what endures, what doesn’t, and about love. Innocent young love moves ever so surely toward lives they both can picture, lives spent loving each other in a place they know so well and cherish.

Will and Sarah are ecstatically swept away in the swells of new love. And it is in their rarefied bliss that they make the fragile promise of first love, a promise that fate will soon rock and pound into doubt, guilt, and epiphany.

Unexpected and unprepared, these young lovers are suddenly torn apart, first by distance, and then by the far greater pressures of temptation that test the very fidelity of their heart-held promise. No longer able to console each other, hold each other, touch each other, they face the inevitable decision: move on to other loves, or cling to the faith that they will someday be together, again. 
Will and Sarah stare down an unknown path, sensing destiny will not wait long before it comes to take them. Wracked with doubt, they wonder if their love was real. Caged by guilt, they both feel tempted by others intent on stealing their hearts.

Fate plays hardest when love is tested. And Will and Sarah are no exception, letting go of their happy past to embrace hope for an uncharted future. Love plays hardest when fate tests. And so it is, even through their trials of the heart, Will and Sarah never really stop loving each other. Theirs is a love so real and pure that each just wants the other to find happiness, even if it's with another.

But fate does not surrender so easily. Dealing blow upon blow, both Will and Sarah are each struck by jolting events that take them to the very edge of life, itself.

Sarah and Will hold tightly to their past, but steadfast promises begin to wane. Life continues, filled with romance, drama, and two souls yearning to understand the challenges brought with coming of age, and learning that fate is ultimately in control. What happens to love when life is on the line? Can they both relinquish control when love is on the line? Will fate even allow them to find out?


About the Author:
Jacelyn spent her childhood growing up in the mountains of Colorado.  After graduating from college, she moved to Southern California, where she still resides with her husband and two young sons. 

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Sandie's Review:

I love romance just as much as the next girl. It was hard to get into this book for me. I mean it starts out good, had me like oh yeah sex scene already whooo hoooo, then well then it gets thrown back 3 years and all the sizzle left. Well not completely but you have to read further in to get back to the sizzle. I liked that the author was descriptive but it was just to much description for me. A few sentences would suffice maybe a paragraph but 2-3 pages before someone answers a question is too long, by that time I have forgot what the heck the other person even asked. I was intrigued that it was set in the late 30's early 40's because I am a huge history buff. I love movies set in that era, books etc...I just kept finding things that were not quite right for that era, as in the way people spoke. I don't know maybe I am crazy. It had a sort of little house on the Prairie feel for me. Fate sure seemed to really be working with the two main characters. It was like something happened to one and the the other got something almost similar.

I liked the story between Sarah and Will. I know its hard to believe in love that transcends time and distance but I am rooting for these two. Sarah and Will's story is cute they grew up together and love one another and it shows. Well you know there is no real story if drama is not involved. That would be several things in this story. Sarah's family has to leave Colorado and move to California. This is where it gets interesting and the sizzle picks back up!!

Then there is Margaret. I loathe her! She is a conniving witch who will do anything to get what and who she wants and that is Will. Once Sarah is gone she moves in for the kill. Will is put in some tough situations because of her. Oh and at one point I wanted to rip her head off for what she does (ok well several times). What is it with chicks with red hair? are they all just bitches?

There is another character that is brought in Adley. He is well Sarah's other love interest and I am sad because I think I like Will more. Adley, to me seems too immature. He holds things against Sarah. Well fate steps in and it gets crazy and complicated.

Like I said it took a bit to get back to the sizzle and once it does it was happy. I liked that this is about a love to which we have to wait and see if it is able to withstand time and distance.

I rated this book...
3.5/5 hearts

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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