Sunday, March 3, 2013

A Special note to my followers......because I heart you all so much....

First of all I would really like to apologize for not posting more here on the blog...

I am actually in school as well as trying to be a full time Mom and wife....I think I am finally getting it all under control so I am starting to not feel like this so much....

I don't think I ever really understood all of the things bloggers go through to make their sites be pretty, organized and so well put together. I wish I had all the time in the day to perfect my site *sigh* but alas no Real Life always gets in the know 
"MOM! I need the computer" (because I literally just sat down and take up all their computer time!!)
"WIFE!! the kids and I are hungry" (nobody knows how to use their hands in this family...if I don't cook they starve. Yet they manage when I leave overnight Hmmmm) 
"WIFE! the kids and I need clean clothes" (nobody REALLY needs clean clothes pssshhh)
"MOM! have you found my soccer/baseball/football stuff I need it NOW!!!" (I obviously hide it from them because I find it to be funny! NOT SO MUCH)
Plus I have to write papers and do homework...OH and find time to read! YAY!!! so luckily I sat the family down at the beach this week-end. (I took a couple pics for you)

Told them "look I need you to help with to to do to take out the trash! And to the kids I everything Dad doesn't do!" So far its working. I don't want to jinx this so fingers-crossed they can manage for longer than 2 weeks. 

While my life gets back into the organized stages where I can actually get some sleep, I have a few friends that have agreed to do some reviews for me! (Thank You to my friends). I will still be doing a majority they will be helping to fill in gaps which I am so thankful for. 

So what was the point of this blog post??? 

Just to let you followers know that I really do appreciate every single one of you! You guys rock! I know I spend time on FB and Twitter and need to post more here. I appreciate the FOLLOWS on FB and Twitter! I love interacting with you all. I love to talk to everyone so that was the point....

I also want to thank other bloggers who have helped me out a lot, when I asked 50 million questions.
Additionally I would like to thank the Authors who have trusted me with their babies and for letting me post exclusives/teasers. I really from the bottom of my heart appreciate all of you! 
XOXO~Sandie BBRs


  1. HAHAHAHAA!! that was amazing! i can relate all too well.... everyone else's needs seem to come first leaving very little time for anything else, like say... maintaining a blog!! :) those gifs are hysterical, especially the mass amount at the end. you're awesome.

  2. Every day someone convinces me that my choice NOT to become a mom was the right one, LOL! So glad you got a day off! We love you, Sandie! Thanks for being so good to me!

  3. I don't post comments on the blogs I follow as often as I should but I just wanted to tell you that I think You Rock! Your blog is so amazing and I absolutely love getting emails from this blog. You have introduced me to quite a few authors/books that I wouldn't have even known about had you not posted them on your blog. Excellent example, I didn't know about Deliza Rafferty until your Hound Dog Blog Tour post... then I had to question myself because how could I have missed these, I think you turned me into a fan of hers too!
    Anyways, this is one of my fave blogs, don't stop being fabulous!

    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate it...I love being able to help others discover new authors. It really means a lot to me that you enjoy my blog. I wasn't sure how well I would be received but I knew I just loved to read and I have a big mouth LOL.

      Thank you so much for your support ant the kind words it really made my morning! this is exactly why I do this for all of you. Mwah! <3 <3
