Lets just jump right into my review for Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone.
Before this I have never read the Harry Potter series LIKE EVER! So no this was not a re-read this was my first time. I've never even watched the films. Now I had no real aversion to HP it's just that when they came out I wasn't into wizards and I thought yeah that is not my cup of tea. Fast forward 1000 years later and all the time I still hear about Harry EVERYWHERE I go. My kids have read it and watched the movies so I finally decided what the hell. I got the box set for my birthday and then I started collecting the hardback covers slowly from the Thrift stores! Now that you have all the background here it goes...
W-O-W! I'm speechless and J.K Rowling...I mean seriously can I have just a tad of your talent? Now I know by now most people have either read the book or watched the movie but in the off chance that you have not then this is for you.
Harry is a boy who's parents have died while fighting "he who shall not be named." Now poor Harry has to live with is Aunt, Uncle and cousin Dudley, where he is pretty much treated like crap. When HP is accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry it is then he learns how special he is. Now from this point forward I honestly feel like you have to experience every word, scene and emotion from this book. I didn't think a "children's" book could keep me so entertained and enraptured but I was. I couldn't wait to see what happened next. Oh, and I finally know what quidditch is. I have heard and heard about it but to truly understand this book and hopefully the rest of the series will make my knowledge grow more. Then there were all the wonderful creatures, I just couldn't get enough. Oh and Snape....DUDE!!! AT first I was like this guy is ... no I don't like him but IDK why he grew on me. Maybe it's the fact that I was sorted into Slytherin. LOL Who know's.
Another thing I loved was the playing cards they got in their candies. I mean how cool is that? Plus you learn from them. I can see why so many people adore this series. I am quickly finding that I love them just as much as everyone else.
Alright next book I will be reviewing is Kick Push by Jay McLean
Jay is a new author to me but when I saw the blurb I was like yuper-dee-doo-da I need this book. OMFG I'm still reeling over this story, the characters and the ending.
Like I said I have never read anything by this author but the writing style is so on point, no holes, perfect transitions and the perfect blend of angst and drama. Alright I get it, I know you want to know about the book. Okay the reason I was drawn to this particular story, besides the cover and the guy and a skateboard (I'm a sucker for skaters) is the fact that the protagonist is a guy named Josh, who became a teenage father to Tommy. His girlfriend abandons them, yeah the bitch just couldn't handle shit and left...LIKE WTF??? So here is Josh who was a phenomenal skater on his way to making it pro when his GF gets preggers. He decides to man up (at 17 or was it 16...damn can't remember either way he was young) his parents kick him out, his GF leaves him with a baby, her parents won't help him and he can't find a decent job. YEAH all of that happens in the first like 10% and then I was so hooked because I'm like OMG how is he going to get the baby food and diapers and OMG WHAT IF CPS COMES AND TAKES HIS BABY!!!
Enter a nice lady named Chazarae, who sees his plight and takes them both in. Josh begins his life and is able to care for Tommy. Of course he teaches him how to skateboard (awesome) and Tommy is a great kid all around and very happy. Now Chazarae has a granddaughter who comes to live with her. Josh sees her and is intrigued. They become friends lots of stuff happens that I can't well really I won't mention because I feel like this book deserves to be read and felt. It was everything for me. I laughed, got mad, shed a tear but finding out about Becca man oh man that did me in. I know your like who the eff is Becca...LOL sorry she is the granddaughter. Her past was just so ugh...tragic and sad.
I wanted so much more and that ending OH GOD THAT ENDING!!! There is a second book it's already out so no worries for those of you that don't like to wait. I absolutely loved this book. I loved the plot, the characters growth and the writing style that had me not wanting to stop reading. I have found a new author to stalk and I fully intend on reading the second book as well as all her other books!
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