Friday, April 29, 2016



My name is ROSE NEWTON, and I sell my body on the streets of San Francisco. I’m what you call society's dirty little secret. On the outside, I'm in control, the woman who makes her own rules and gives nothing away for free. Inside, I’m broken and numb. Torn and shattered by my past, my life is nothing more than the lost fragments of what's left of me.

SHANE WEST represents everything that’s foreign to me. He’s brave, kind, funny, gorgeous and persistent. When fate brings us face to face, an undeniable attraction blazes between us. He becomes the constant I've never had and the only man I'll ever trust.

There is nothing simple about falling in love when you're keeping a secret like mine.

*Readers discretion advised. Highly recommended for readers 18+.

I was really good at acting. I learned early on, a prostitute couldn’t sell her body without the ability to turn on the dramatics. There was something to be said about hooking up every couple of weeks with the same trick and making it seem new. It was my job to make them think what they did to me was the most mind-blowing sex I’d ever experienced and, well, I was pretty damn good at my job.

I had to be stronger than any simple desire to feel worthy of something beyond numb. I knew what was going to happen when I’d truly let him in; things were gonna get complicated, fast. Shuffling my feelings around in my mind for Shane was as fucked up as being beaten simply because I was born. Nothing in this world had convinced me that if I slid that thin blade of emotion against my flesh I’d feel whole again. No love, no desire would ever be worthy of that searing pain.

I pulled my legs up under my ass and curled up on the couch. Tears I hadn’t let go of since I sold my heart to the loveless fuck who took my soul and crushed it, fell fast and swirled from my chin before they soaked into the front of my camisole. I cried. My eyes burned with the sting of every time I thought about all the mindless, sick fucks who stole pieces of my life and never returned them. My controlled aching whimpers turned into uncontrollable belly deep howls as my entire life busted from the vault in my heart.

I didn’t stop crying, not even when my voice was gone and my throat begged me to feel the burn of tequila. And even though I lived through the horrors of alcoholism with my parents, it didn’t keep me from knocking back the entire bottle of that golden poison. I welcomed the warm burn against the back of my throat as the scorching pressure pushed at my lungs and the tequila blazed down into my stomach in waves of gut rotting satisfaction, finally I felt something before I had become ragingly numb.

Gretchen de la O, is a writer of romantically unique stories. A proclaimed positive energy infuser by people who know her, she finds joy in helping those around her discover their creative process. Gretchen is a firm believer that anything is possible if you set your mind to it; and what you expect out of life, always finds a way of showing up. She’s authentic in her dedication to her own creative process, finds strength in her spirituality, and is always looking for the bright spot in every situation.
Gretchen released her first novel, Almost Eighteen in September of 2011, the first in a three book new adult student/teacher romance series, The Wilson Mooney Series. In November of 2012, she followed with book two, Eighteen at Last, and concluded the series with Beyond Eighteen in October, 2013. Her fourth novel, PROTOTYPE, a romantic suspense, the first book in the Possession Series was released in October 2014. BROKEN GIRL, Gretchen’s fifth novel, is a standalone contemporary romance slated to be released April 29th, 2016. Please visit Gretchen at

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

He Love Me Not by Tierney Fowler Blog Tour

He Loves Me Not RDL Ban He Loves Me Not Synopsis:

 In the game of love, everyone roots for the underdog. You know, that girl-next-door type who wears glasses and has a shy smile and who falls for the most popular boy in school…she’s the hero of every story. And when the shy girl takes off her glasses and the quarterback kisses her and the crowd roars and the movie fades to black, people sit back and are satisfied.   

But what about the cheerleader? The one he dumps at the fifty-yard line and the one who runs off the field humiliated and sobbing? What about her feelings? What about her?   He Loves Me Not tells the story of what happens after the cheerleader is denied her fairy tale ending. 

Maggie's life was perfect--she had perfect friends, perfect parents, and a perfect boyfriend. But when she's abruptly dumped in front of the entire county by that perfect boyfriend, her life falls apart. With her clique, her friends, and her social standing obliterated, Maggie is resigned to a lonely, humiliating senior year of high school. least until she meets AJ Abbott, a musician who breaks every rule her mother ever taught her. He has no college degree. He wants to be a rockstar. He wears entirely too much black and leather.   But despite their differences, Maggie is slowly drawn into AJ's rock and roll lifestyle, and she'll be forced to choose which is more important--clinging to her nonexistent popularity or learning that maybe there's more to her than her beauty queen tiaras and cheerleader pom-poms.
  Get your copy today: Amazon | Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous   

When I first started this book I was like what the hell am I reading? This is just a bunch of rich spoiled southern girls who throw out backhanded compliments and think its okay as long as they say "Bless her heart" after it. I was ready to say I can't even with this book. BUT then.... it morphed and I was enthralled into the story. I couldn't believe what I was reading. The popular girl gets dumped on her biggest night. Slowly she started losing her friends and while most of the time I would have been like HA! that is what she gets I didn't. I was upset and sad for Maggie. Why? Because the girl her boyfriend (Bobby) left her for for is a bigger bitch than she is. I was like, what the hell? Bobby made me mad because he essentially had no backbone.

Then enters AJ. Oh AJ. I love AJ. He really made Maggie open her eyes to the world around her. She slowly began to see the prejudices of her own as well as those around her. While yes she loves clothes, make-up and pageants she was staying true to herself in spite of her new friendship with AJ and his friend Nicole. I loved that. I love when a character can be themselves and not change that aspect of themselves while opening her mind and heart to the world and people (who are not like her) around her. AJ never pressured her for more he just wanted her to be happy.

Let's talk about the ending because UMMMMMM I need to know what happens next!! I don't want to give too much away but let me just say that the author did a great job with this book. Yes, I know at first I was complaining and it felt a bit slow but now I want to yell to everyone from the rooftops that they NEED to read this book.

Tierney Fowler Bio:
 The long lost Wakefield twin. Blair's head minion. The BSC party planner. The original Pink Ranger. Stephanie Tanner's BFF. In addition to crafting young adult and new adult novels, Tierney Fowler works as an IT consultant by day and a style blogger by night. She resides in Northern Virginia near four shopping malls, counts leopard as her favorite color, and once shot a reality TV show pilot...that never went anywhere. Links: Twitter: @tierneyfowler Instagram: @tierdear Snapchat: @tierdeer


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

RELEASE DAY ((He Loves Me Not)) By Tierney Fowler + Giveaway

It’s the release day for He Loves Me Not by Tierney Fowler! I am so excited to share this contemporary romance with you! Check out the excerpt and Tierney’s giveaway, and get your copy today! He Loves Me Not RDL Ban He Loves Me Not Synopsis:

 In the game of love, everyone roots for the underdog. You know, that girl-next-door type who wears glasses and has a shy smile and who falls for the most popular boy in school…she’s the hero of every story. And when the shy girl takes off her glasses and the quarterback kisses her and the crowd roars and the movie fades to black, people sit back and are satisfied.   But what about the cheerleader? The one he dumps at the fifty-yard line and the one who runs off the field humiliated and sobbing? What about her feelings? What about her?   He Loves Me Not tells the story of what happens after the cheerleader is denied her fairy tale ending. Maggie's life was perfect--she had perfect friends, perfect parents, and a perfect boyfriend. But when she's abruptly dumped in front of the entire county by that perfect boyfriend, her life falls apart. With her clique, her friends, and her social standing obliterated, Maggie is resigned to a lonely, humiliating senior year of high school. least until she meets AJ Abbott, a musician who breaks every rule her mother ever taught her. He has no college degree. He wants to be a rockstar. He wears entirely too much black and leather.   But despite their differences, Maggie is slowly drawn into AJ's rock and roll lifestyle, and she'll be forced to choose which is more important--clinging to her nonexistent popularity or learning that maybe there's more to her than her beauty queen tiaras and cheerleader pom-poms.
  Get your copy today: Amazon | Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous   

  Exclusive Excerpt: 
Looking back, Bobby hadn’t acted that different that day, or even that week. The first weird thing had happened at lunch a few weeks later. Maggie and her friends had been all sitting at their usual table with Tommy, Abby and Artie Souter—identical twins who looked like matching blond supermodels—Caroline, who was her best friend in the world, and a few other assorted football players and cheerleaders. Maggie snapped her can of Diet Coke open, watching Bobby shovel tacos down his throat with envy. She was monitoring her calorie intake like a chicken hawk observing a pen full of hens. Not only was this new cheerleading uniform making her incredibly aware of her figure, but her homecoming dress had accidentally been ordered in a size zero—where Maggie normally wore a two—and there wasn’t enough time to buy a new dress that half the school hadn’t already rejected in their own shopping trips. To distract herself from the gnawing pain in her stomach, Maggie took another bite of her dressing free salad and chewed slowly, pretending it was pizza. God, she loved pizza so much. It’d been years since she’d had it. “Bobby, what was with that weird girl talking to you after Chem yesterday?” Caroline asked, her Boston accent softened after spending her entire high school career down in South Carolina. Maggie and Caroline had met in gymnastics class in middle school, and they’d bonded over their love of country music, cheerleading, and carb-free diets. “Her name’s Chloe, and she’s actually really nice,” Bobby replied evenly. Maggie remembered Chloe from one of her English classes. The girl never spoke to anyone other than the teacher, and once she had read a poem that had lots of references to the dark wings of ravens. It was all very strange. And she wore way too much black. Okay, and the real kicker was that Chloe had laughed at her a few weeks ago when Maggie had written an essay about how the proudest moment of her life was winning Miss Dixie Bell last year. “I just don’t understand people like her,” Maggie started to say, flattening her hand on her stomach as it growled loudly. Hopefully no one had heard. “Like, it’s just so selfish to be so grumpy all the time. Everyone hurts. Everyone has bad things happen to them. Maybe people should just focus on the wonderful things in their lives and stop dwelling on the negativity.” “Here, here, Maggie May!” Tommy raised his can of Coke over his head. The entire table laughed. Giggling, Maggie continued. She was on a roll. “And, I mean, really, bless her heart, but how is that much black flattering on anyone’s complexion? Maybe we can give her a makeover!” Maggie loved makeovers. They were the best. Maybe they could take her shopping and help her do her makeup and— Just then, Maggie heard a sharp intake of breath behind her. When she turned, she saw a girl with pale skin and long dark hair standing behind them. It was Chloe. Why did she look so upset? Maybe she didn’t hear the “bless her heart” part. Everyone knew that saying “bless her heart” balanced out anything negative that followed because it originated in a good place. Her momma always said that people needed a good dose of the truth, but they needed to know it came from the heart. “I just—I just wanted—here. Here’s your half of the outline.” Chloe’s sharp voice matched her movements as she shoved a piece of paper into Bobby’s hand and then turned to rush back inside the school. Maggie had examined her closely in those ten seconds, trying to make sense of a girl who seemed to think black eye shadow was appropriate for the entire eyelid. The only spot anyone needed black eye shadow was in the outer crease of their eyelid and even then, it should be blended to near oblivion. Her momma considered black eye shadow appropriate only for strippers and rock star groupies. The table fell silent for a minute. Maggie’s mouth curved into a nervous smile. Bobby’s green eyes cut in her direction. “Really, Maggie? That was mean of you.” Maggie had never heard Bobby use that tone with her, and she wasn’t sure how to respond. Her chest tightened. “I wasn’t trying to be mean. I was just talking in general…like, how Momma always says that you should look your best so others are happy to…” She trailed off, shrinking under the disappointment in Bobby’s eyes. She didn’t want Chloe to think she was being mean for no reason. Maybe Maggie needed to go chase her down and explain. “You know what? I’ll just go apologize—” Maggie stood up to follow her, but Bobby interrupted again. Instead of the sharp tone he’d just used, now he sounded tired. “Don’t worry about it. Let me go talk to her.” He smiled, but it was a weird smile. Like it didn’t reach all the way up to his eyes. Maggie tried to smile back, but she couldn’t get her lips to lift. “Are you sure? I can just go and—” “It’s fine, Maggie. I’ll be back in a few.” Bobby stood up to walk away, and then he stopped and came back to squeeze her shoulder. Normally he’d say goodbye with at least a little kiss, but his grip on her shoulder was more how he interacted with the football team. Maggie didn’t like the feelings it brought, so she focused on his beautiful eyes, chiseled features, and sweet smile, and she thought he had the kind of face a girl could look at the rest of her life and be happy. That was the day she began to lose him.

  Tierney Fowler Bio:
 The long lost Wakefield twin. Blair's head minion. The BSC party planner. The original Pink Ranger. Stephanie Tanner's BFF. In addition to crafting young adult and new adult novels, Tierney Fowler works as an IT consultant by day and a style blogger by night. She resides in Northern Virginia near four shopping malls, counts leopard as her favorite color, and once shot a reality TV show pilot...that never went anywhere. Links: Twitter: @tierneyfowler Instagram: @tierdear Snapchat: @tierdeer


Thursday, April 7, 2016

Cover Reveal for Wendy Higgins UNKNOWN

UNKNOWN by Wendy Higgins
Apocalyptic Sci-Fi NA Romance
Coming August 16, 2016

Amber Tate believes the worst thing she’ll suffer in life is dealing with the unrequited love she feels for her brother’s best friend, Rylen Fite. She also believes war is something unfortunate that happens places far, far away from her rural Nevada town. She’s wrong on both counts.

When an unknown organization meticulously bombs major cities in the United States and across the globe, a trickle-down effect spreads to remaining towns at an alarming speed—everything from food and water sources to technological communications are compromised. Without leadership, the nation is split between paralysis and panic, but Amber isn’t one to hide or watch helplessly. She’s determined to put her nursing skills to use, despite the danger, even if it means working alongside the man she can never have. 

In this first installment of NY Times bestselling author, Wendy Higgins’s debut New Adult series, a frighteningly realistic apocalyptic America is brought to life, entwined with searing romantic tension that will leave you eager for more.


Learn about the origins of the story in this blog post:

Author Bio:
Wendy Higgins is the USA Today and NYT bestselling author of the Sweet Evil series from HarperTeen, the high fantasy duology The Great Hunt, and her independently published Irish fantasy, See Me. She is a former high school English teacher who now writes full time, and lives on the Eastern Shore of Virginia with her veterinarian husband, daughter, son, and doggie Rue. 
Wendy earned a bachelor's in Creative Writing from George Mason University and a master's in Curriculum and Instruction from Radford University. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Releasing in August 2016, WOLF PREY is the highly anticipated and stunning conclusion to Nina West's Wolf Cove Series. Check out this insanely hot cover for WOLF PREY! And be sure to grab WOLF BAIT & WOLF BITE today!

  Wolf Prey - cover

About WOLF PREY (Wolf Cove Series #3):

Forced to leave Alaska to run the family farm while her father recovers from a tragic accident, Abbi heads home knowing she has the one thing she wants most –Henry’s affections. She's determined to not let anyone get in the way of that again.

But love for Abbi isn't easy.

With an overbearing mother who believes she has the right to approve who her daughter loves, a childhood ex-boyfriend who will do anything to win her back, and a wealthy, handsome boyfriend who always gets what he wants, Abbi soon realizes she may have to make some impossible choices in order to take control of her life.

WOLF PREY is the stunning conclusion to the sexy, addictive Wolf Cove Series, and should be read after WOLF BAIT and WOLF BITE.

Add WOLF PREY to your Goodreads!

Wolf Cove - banner

Check out this excerpt from Book 1 in the Wolf Cove Series, WOLF

Unseen Messages by Pepper Winters Book Blitz

Unseen Messages BANNER
Author: Pepper Winters
Genre: Contemporary Survival Romance
Publication Date: March 30, 2016
Unseen Messages E-Book Cover

"Instincts are what keep us safe from fate. Ignoring them can change your life forever. Fame and fortune arrived overnight and after months on the road with her singing tour, all Estelle craves is peace. Tired and ready for paradise, she travels to Fiji to recuperate. Stubborn and surly, Galloway is avoided by most--which is exactly the way he likes it. However, he's done spending his life in regret and hopes to find redemption in the tropical wilderness. Together, they board the flight that changes their fate forever. Crash landing on a deserted island, they not only have to figure out how to survive with no skills and daily dangers--learning how to fish, find water, and build shelter--but also inherit two children who look to them to keep them alive. However, staying alive might be the least of Galloway and Estelle's problems. As days creep to months and rescue doesn't find them, their desire for each other ignites. They started as strangers. They grew to be friends. They fought the desire to be lovers. Lust can be the most beautiful thing. Love the most rewarding. But not on an island where life hangs by a thread and giving into temptation can kill you. Can they survive being forgotten or will love be their ultimate undoing? From New York Times Bestseller Pepper Winters comes a timeless love story answering the question of what happens when everything is stripped away.  
UNSEEN teaser 6  

TOUCH. She finally touched me. And I let her. Her fingers were hypnotically soft; moving over my face, across my lips, lingering on my throat. My body instantly hardened. I reached for her, but the touch dropped lower, across my sternum, along my lower belly, feathering on my hipbone to my thigh. My cock stood up, begging to be granted the same treatment, but the touch vanished, tugging on something around my leg. My teeth snapped together as the frustration I’d been fighting for months boiled over. Lashing out, I connected with hair. Not a faceless face or dream-figmented breasts. Hair. Real. My eyes flew open. The dream ended. And I shot upright only to slam back down again when I noticed it wasn’t a dream. Estelle bowed over me. Her knees against my thigh, her fingers unbuckling the seat belts and fabric ties around my splint. I sucked in a breath, whisper-hissing in the dark. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Her eyes flashed then skittered across the camp to Pip and Conner. They slept in individual beds tonight, not needing each other’s support from the lonely memories of being parentless. She froze. “I’m doing what you want.” “What I want?” A Technicolor porno unraveled in my head. What I wanted was her mouth on my cock. What I wanted was her straddling my hips and me thrusting into her tight, hot heat. What I wanted was her. A thousand times her. I gritted my teeth; balled my hands. I did everything I could to fight the undeniable urges volcanoing in my blood. “Estelle, I suggest you move away from me.” I gave her a warning. I was a gentleman. If I touched her now, kissed her, fucked would be her fault for coming too close when she knew the uncrossable boundaries between us. “Just tolerate me for a few seconds and then I’ll be gone.” Her eyes dropped back to my thigh. Tolerate? She thought I couldn’t tolerate her? Shit, I was in love with her. I spent my days falling more and more into goddamn love with her, and she thought I could barely tolerate her? Stupid, stupid woman.

I love to read books by Pepper Winters because they are different. This book though....WOW! I mean seriously how does she do this? 
There is an ominous air that surrounds the protagonist Estelle, right from the start. The words were beautifully put together, painting a picture that you knew was not going to end in a pretty little picture. 
Reading the blurb you don't get too much and I love that because I enjoy going into books blindly. This book had so many elements to it. From survival to love. I laughed, cried, sobbed and wanted more. 
Pepper Winters is an extraordinary writer. The way she wove this tale so alluring I couldn't stop reading, I needed to see what was going to happen with Estelle, Galloway and the kids. This is a must read. One that will leave an impression on your heart.

About Pepper Winters
Pepper Winters is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling Author. She wears many roles. Some of them include writer, reader, sometimes wife. She loves dark, taboo stories that twist with your head. The more tortured the hero, the better, and she constantly thinks up ways to break and fix her characters. Oh, and sex... her books have sex.
She loves to travel and has an amazing, fabulous hubby who puts up with her love affair with her book boyfriends. She's also honoured to wear the IndieReader Badge for being a Top 10 Indie Bestsellers, best BDSM series voted by the SmutClub, and recently signed a two book deal with Grand Central. Her books are currently being translated into numerous languages and will be in bookstores in the near future.  
Author of Bestselling Titles: Monsters in the Dark, Destroyed, & Indebted Series
Purchase Monsters in the Dark: Tears of Tess | Quintessentially Q | Twisted Together
Purchase Destroyed
Purchase Pure Corruption Series: Ruin & Rule | Sin & Suffer