Friday, November 13, 2015


Fallon meets Ben, an aspiring novelist, the day of her scheduled cross-country move. Their untimely attraction leads them to spend Fallon’s last day in L.A. together, and her eventful life becomes the creative inspiration Ben has always sought for his novel. Over time and amidst the various relationships and tribulations of their own separate lives, they continue to meet on the same date every year. Until one day Fallon becomes unsure if Ben has been telling her the truth or fabricating a perfect reality for the sake of the ultimate plot twist.

Can Ben’s relationship with Fallon—and simultaneously his novel—be considered a love story if it ends in heartbreak?

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When you find a book that hits you in your soul you keep that book close. This is one of those books for me. The elements brought forth besides the vivid imagery were the fact that it was mesmerizing, heartbreaking, heartwarming and overall beautifully told. 

Colleen continues to shock me, I read loads of books and a lot of times I feel as though they're all the same. But, this book just blew me out of the water with this concept. I love that she goes out on a limb with each book adding her own little twists that keep me on the edge of my seat. Right from the get go Fallon had my heart. I don't know if it was the way she was introduced with her dad but the way the scene was set up my heart went out to her. Enter Ben *Benton* Kessler man this guy is just the ultimate 'fake boyfriend'. Where Fallon took my heart Ben snatched my soul. He dug and imbedded himself so far in there I dream of him. If you have read Colleen's books then you are familiar with the way she writes and presents the book boyfriends that we talk about for years, so ladies trust me Ben will definitely be on that list.

There were times that I cried so hard, my heart broke once for Ben, once for Fallon but Colleen wasn't satisfied with that oh no she went and took my shattered heart and crushed those pieces even further, I could't breathe I just kept saying no she can't be that cruel can she? I can't tell you the answer to that because you need to read and experience this book for yourself. There was a point where I didn't know how the book would end, I could see how they could recover. Over the course of the book I saw Fallon transform, she went from this insecure shy girl to a woman who held her head high and could accept "people laughing at her". 

In school we are learning about short fiction and how to look for literary devices. My teacher said if you pay attention in the beginning you will figure out the ending. HA! okay so earlier I was all into the book and I had that ah-ha moment and Mrs. Benes, so not true, I mean really I know that the foreshadowing and imagery can lead you to come to a conclusion sooner but Colleen did such a great job that I didn't get the plot twist until...well when Colleen wanted it revealed. But, if I had to do a plot line and connect the dots with this book, I would soo get an A on this project. Basically what I mean is that there are clues but I was so involved and invested in the story and the beautiful words pouring from the pages that I was not paying attention I just wanted to know what? Who? When? and Where? Also, I think I need to get stock in kleeex because I always end up using them when I read Colleen's books and this one was no different. 

If you are looking for a unique and quirky, a story that takes you through an arc of both the protagonists as well as the story then this book is for you. 

Colleen Hoover is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Slammed, This Girl, Point of Retreat, Hopeless, Losing Hope, Finding Cinderella, Maybe Someday, Ugly Love, Maybe Not, and Confess. She lives in Texas with her husband and their three boys.

Twitter: @ColleenHoover
Instagram: @ColleenHoover


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