Saturday, August 30, 2014

Confessions of a Litigation God by Sawyer Bennett, review by Dee

My rating: 5 of 5 hearts


WARNING, LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION OF THE RISK from Matt Connover, Litigation God: Please do not attempt to read my story in public, as my sexual proclivities have been known to cause squirming in your seat, squeezing of your legs together and unintentional moaning, sometimes with spontaneous bursts of laughter at random moments. If you are offended by the fact that my oral skills are just as accomplished in the bedroom as they are the courtroom, then this book is not for you. There may be moments while reading my story that you get so turned on… so hot and bothered… that your squirming and moaning could turn maniacal in nature and neither I, nor the author, are responsible for the weird looks you may get. Notwithstanding the aforementioned warnings, if you assume the risk and read my tale in public, then I recommend you carry a spare set of panties with you. You will need them and you have been warned.”

My name is Matt Connover. I am a Litigation God.
Other lawyers quake before me.
Women crawl on their knees just to spend the night in my bed and when I’m finished with them, I walk away without a backward glance.

I am well satisfied with my life and there isn’t a damn thing I’d change about it.

That is, until McKayla Dawson came along.

She was meant to be for one night only.
But she got under my skin, and now I want her back underneath my body.

It’s torture working with her in my law firm… day in and day out. But I have to think maybe the Fates have intervened to throw us together because she is unlike anyone I’ve ever known, and thus I need to pay careful attention to these Legal Affairs.

Confessions of a Litigation God is a stand alone, full length novel. It follows the affair of Matt Connover and McKayla Dawson as told in the Legal Affairs Serial Romance, Volumes 1-6. This book is told strictly from Matt's point of view and has many additional scenes not included in the serial volumes.(less)

Let me start with this... Sawyer nailed it with this book. Out of the park. I loved that this was from Matts point of view and written SO well. Not only did she manage to properly display a mans cocky
Point of view, but she also managed to show his growth through the book. And Mac, wow. I love her sass and mouth. I love that she keeps Matt on his toes and doesn't bend to his will. She says some of the most random things and actually made him laugh, made me laugh. This book is equally erotic and funny, steamy and emotional. It really was a fabulous book. I didn't want to put it down. I found myself hoping for a way Matt was going to take Marissa down. He didn't deserve to be treated the way she was treating him, she wronged him. But all in all, he was right. He had to protect Gabe.

I really liked the way sawyer wrote this book. She really did nail the mans POV. There's wasn't a time during the whole book that something didn't sound like something a man would say or do. And how she found that perfect balance of steam and emotion, I'll never know but in don't think she could have done any better. It really was executed flawlessly. Matt and Mac are going to be one of those couples you don't forget and come back to reread bc it's so good.

I give this book 5 hearts

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