The Gravity of Us, an all-new gripping and emotional standalone from Brittainy C. Cherry is available now!

The Gravity of Us by Brittainy C. Cherry
Release Date: April 13th, 2017 Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Designer: Quirkybird Designs
Graham Russell and I weren’t made for one another.
I was driven by emotion; he was apathetic. I dreamed while he lived in nightmares. I cried when he had no tears to shed.
Despite his frozen heart and my readiness to run, we sometimes shared seconds. Seconds when our eyes locked and we saw each other’s secrets. Seconds when his lips tasted my fears, and I breathed in his pains. Seconds when we both imagined what it would be like to love one another.
Those seconds left us floating, but when reality knocked us sideways, gravity forced us to descend.
Graham Russell wasn’t a man who knew how to love, and I wasn’t a woman who knew how to either. Yet if I had the chance to fall again, I’d fall with him forever.
Even if we were destined to crash against solid ground.
I have been asked many times by people "Why do you read romance?" "Aren't you happy in your marriage?" "What can you possibly get out of reading that?" My answer? While most people who have asked me this are men and some women I look at them for a long hard moment and think, "Wow, are they really trying to judge me and make me feel ashamed for what I choose to read?" Before I break it down to them and rattle off the reasons I love this particular genre. This book right here will definitely be one of the books I tell people about when I am asked these questions again. I sit here genuinely in awe. There are so many elements in this book that make it one of the top books I have read this year.
Graham is a lonely man despite what it may look like to others. He is cold and unfeeling. At first, I thought how in the hell is Cherry going to make this work? It has been a while since a book in this genre has grabbed me wholeheartedly. Yes, I have read many books but this book made me feel so many things, It made me uncomfortable, the way Graham would speak to people. It made me want to hate Graham for his treatment of Lucy. It made me sad when I continued on and read his reasons of isolation and his own willingness to be there. It made me love him because I saw his scars and their beauty therein.
Lucy, man this character, she is everything. She reminds me of me if I was quirkier and more open. Okay, she's not me but if I could have her personality I so would. She is carefree and doesn't care what others think. She is unapologetic and loves openly. She wears her heart on her sleeve. While Graham finds that to be a downfall when they first meet he soon learns that it is actually her greatest strength. Both these characters knew nothing of love but circumstances and gravity pulled them together. Together they learn what unconditional, real and true love is. They overcome circumstances trying to tear them apart and for once in his life Graham does not run.
Obviously, I don't do spoilers and I feel that one must experience this book blindly. When I started reading I didn't understand why there two had the story to tell. I was shocked but as I continued they unfolded their secrets and I fell in love with them. Lucy, I loved right away while Graham took time. Cherry wove together a story that will live in my heart forever. These characters with their flaws were perfect. Her words are mesmerizing and powerful. I honestly thought it was going to be another run of the mill romance novel and I was glad when it turned out to be so much more.
Alright, now I loved Ollie. I want a real him. I have professors that mean a lot to me but I don't have an Ollie...yet. I'm searching though, and his family.
Meri (Pod) ugh she made me sad, mad, rage, then love. She went through so much and I was glad she had Lucy by her side. I hated Parker and wished he'd get hit by a car. (I know that's not nice but when you read the story, you tell me if you don't agree.) I was so angry with her treatment of her sister, after all, she did for her. Seriously, hate Parker!!! He's a douche. By the end, I loved her because I knew her heart.
Lyric, Jesus I hate this bitch....okay strong dislike....Nope, no that's hate I feel towards her.
Jane, oooh girl be glad you a fictional character. She reminds me of a woman I can't stand because she is pretentious and ruins people's happiness much like this character. UGH, I LOATHE HER more than Parker! <--- (for those that have read the story...I know what your thinking but seriously think about why I did this.)
I cried several times reading this story. The way it unfolded, I could not believe the events. From Talon to Ollie, to Parker and Richard every person in this story made it mind-blowing and so incredible. Cherry has a way of making me feel the characters and their words. Every time I thought the book was going one way, it turned and went another. I have not given a romance novel 5 stars in a loooong time because I haven't felt moved by the story, but this one deserves all the stars! It is truly amazing. This book is the reason I love this genre so much. It inspires and gives hope. It makes me feel that humanity is not lost and good people are still out there, sometimes we need to foster the relationship and not walk away so quickly.

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Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2oP7VFi
Amazon UK: https://goo.gl/nq3pKh
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Start the Series of Standalones Today!
(Free in Kindle Unlimited)
The Air He Breathes
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2n5UkEh
Amazon UK: https://goo.gl/KRTVKv
The Fire Between High and Low
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2npJvQN
Amazon UK: https://goo.gl/arVFPY
The Silent Waters
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2ok3xtx
Amazon UK: https://goo.gl/HfzJ5h
Hi! I'm Brittainy! Join me as we travel through my mind as a Romance Author. This includes such things as my random thoughts, tricks, tips, things I'm learning, things I'm re-learning, things I'm forgetting, and my weird ways of crafting stories.
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