Thursday, January 26, 2017

Honey Bee Blog Tour

IT'S LIVE! Grab the book that has everyone BUZZING!
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Love can be as sweet as honey, or it can sting like a bee. Bo Smith knows that if you go looking for honey, you get stung, so he has his life just how he wants it. No hassles, no complications, and no heartache. As the handsome high school athletics coach, he would be the pick of the small town he grew up in...if he was into commitment, or dating...or even calling back. But he has sworn off anything resembling a future and his mind isn't going to change. Then his eyes lock on the new girl in town...She’s beautiful, intelligent, and full of surprises. Just the kind of complication he has been avoiding. Sophia Brown is looking for the sweet simple life. She has it all planned out. Getting used to life alone isn't easy, but she has her garden, her bees, and her dog Triton to tend to. It's the fresh start she's been dreaming of, surrounded by nothing but open fields to stare at all day. Nothing at all...unless you count the high school football team and their distractingly handsome coach, practicing right across the street. But when sparks fly, Bo must choose between the sting of his past or the sweetness of the future. He may just find that honey tastes good on everything.
young couple in loving embrace kissing one another

“No, no, no! Do not do this. Come on Triton,” I beg as I push him by his rear out the front door. He grunts, stopping to lie down on the doormat panting. Looking up at me with his big caramel eyes, he pleads: ‘Help me mama.’ I huff and blow my bangs out of my eyes. Darn dog plays me like a fiddle. “Please Triton, mama will give you a cookie.” I step in front of him, bracing my legs, and tug on his leash. “Baby come on, let’s go bye bye’s,” I plead with him. His response is a groan and then he flops down on his side. “Ugh…don’t do this now!” I growl down at him with my hands fisted on my hips. He wags his tail twice and paws at the air before me. “King Triton, you get up right now! You are a bad boy.” I use my stern voice with him. He wags his tail and then lets out a whimper. I furrow my brows and get down on my knees, bending over him, “Come on baby, the doctor is going to fix you right up,” I whisper as I scratch his face. He responds with a grunt and licks my face, “Lord your breath stinks. What the hell did you eat today?” If only he could answer, my life would be so much easier right now. I push myself up off the floor and stand on my porch looking around. Even with Triton being a pain in the ass, the beauty of my new neighborhood is breathtaking. Surrounded by mountains and wildlife, it’s idyllic and I drink it in, the crisp morning air filling my lungs. The moment I stepped foot into the town it felt like home. My Mom was right when she said I belonged back here. Her home town. My shoulders slump as I still feel the loss of my parents. A chorus of shouts fill the air and pulls me from my sorrow. I grumble to myself, “Perfect location, right next to a field. My lily white ass it is.” Triton lets out another grunt. “Right, focus Sophia,” I tell myself. What the heck was I thinking getting a dog this big? “Come on boy you have to get up, mama can’t lift you.” I tug on his leash again and he doesn’t move an inch, just lets out a sigh. I look across the street, to the ‘field.’ It’s seven am, on a Saturday no less, and high school football practice is already in full swing. I swallow and thank baby Jesus that in the week since I’ve been here, I haven’t shrieked at the boys or Mr. Holy Hotness their coach for being so loud in the mornings. Plus, who am I kidding? I’ve enjoyed watching him work out with the kids. “Hello, can one of you boys help me?” My voice echoes across the street. Fifty something heads turn my way. Oh. I lift my chin up higher. “Can someone help me lift my dog? Please?” Heads turn as they look back to their stoic coach who’s flipping through a book, studying it behind dark sunglasses. He looks up and nods his head once at the group of boys and they’re off. Three boys come running across the street, one steps ahead of the others. “Hello ma’am, I’m Bobby. That is Pete and Bubba.” He says as he points to the other two. “Hey guys, I’m Sophia Brown.” “Hello Sophia,” says Bubba in a high-pitched voice as his feet shuffle back and forth. Bobby smacks him in the arm, “Your mama would have your head.” “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Brown.” Pete says. Miss Brown? I can’t be much older than these boys. I press my lips together to hold my laughter back. Triton grunts on the floor bringing the attention back to him. I kneel down beside him. “Is he a Saint Bernard?” Bubba asks. “No, he’s a Bernese Mountain Dog.” Triton’s tail thumps against the door. I shake my head and murmur, “Good boy.” I scratch his face and then look up at the boys. “Can you help me get him into the truck?” I point over to it in the driveway. “Sure,” Pete says with enthusiasm. “Hey Triton, these gentlemen are going to help you into the car, okay baby?” The boys step closer and Pete joins me at the front while the other two head down by Triton’s tail. “Okay, you both balance his back side while we get him from up here,” I say as I slide my hands under him. Everyone gets in position and Triton turns his head to the two boys by his rear and lets out a little growl. Each of the boys pull away from him immediately. “Triton! That is a bad boy!” I look at the boys apologetically. “He isn’t mean guys, just a bit grumpy today. Can we try again?” They cautiously make eye contact with each other and nod their heads, putting their hands back under Triton. He turns his head and shows his teeth to Bubba and Bobby. Their eyes go wide and they quickly back off, Bobby looks at me, “I’m sorry Miss Brown, but I don’t want to get bit.” I nod, “I understand. I’ll figure something out.” I say with more confidence than I feel. They stand up and back away from Triton and he shows his teeth at them once more with a low growl. “King Triton, you stop that right now.” He sheepishly looks at me and howls, then plops his head down. The three boys just stand there, “It’s okay, I can get him to move. You boys go back to your practice and thank you for trying.” They look at each other and then back at the practice field, “Sorry, Miss Brown.” Pete sighs and then they silently leave. I stand back up and look down at him thinking about what will get him to move. Cheese is the first thing I can think of. I step over him, go back into the house and run down the hall to the kitchen. Grabbing a slice of cheese from the fridge, I slam the door and turn back. I can see Triton’s ears perk up as I unwrap the cheese, crinkling the wrapper. “Here baby, mama has cheese.” The damn dog doesn’t even turn around, but as I step outside I happen to look across the field where the three boys are animatedly pointing back at Triton as they talk to their coach. He hands one of the boys his book and then looks back at me, or at least I think he does. He has to be one of the only people I know that looks good in aviators. Damn good in fact. He starts walking toward me and suddenly my mouth feels as if I’ve been sucking on cotton balls. I swear I can hear that song from the movie Top Gun playing. Is he walking in slow motion? No, he can’t be. I can’t take my eyes off him as the lyrics take my breath away teasingly echo in my head. As he approaches me, I try to gather myself and give him a welcoming smile. “You might want to stop your dog from eating that cheese,” he states flatly with an upstate accent. I look down at Triton as he stretches his neck to steal the cheese right out of my hand, noisily scarfing it down. I frown at him. He groans. I throw my hands up in the air, “Your belly hurts you big dope. Why did you eat more?” The coach clears his throat. “Oh sorry. Hi, I’m Sophia.” I put my hand out. He looks down and takes it in a quick firm grasp, letting it go just as fast. “Hey, I’m Bo. Did you need some help with your dog?” “Yes, I, uh…yes.” Still feeling the heat of his hand on mine, I manage an “it’s a pleasure to meet you,” before slowly moving my eyes down to Triton so that I can get a good look at him. Damn, they invented Levi’s for a body like that. Heaven. Triton whimpers and rolls on his back. “What’s wrong with him?” Bo asks with an eyebrow raised. I sigh. “He has a bad habit of eating anything and everything he can get his teeth into.” “Ah, I see. You’re new here, right?” I can’t see the expression on his face with those glasses on. “Yeah, word travels fast huh?” “Sweetheart, the minute the house sold, tongues were waggin’.” He gives me a crooked smile. “Good to know. Would you be able to help me lift him into my truck?” “Sure, are you bringing him into the vet in town?” He runs a hand through his hair and rests it on the back of his neck. “I was going to drive him to his old one since I haven’t been able to get in to meet the vet here yet.” Triton looks up at me letting out a part whimper, part bark. “Quit being dramatic,” I chide throwing my hands in the air. Bo chuckles. “He has some personality. How far is the drive?” “Slightly over two hours.” He pauses then tilts his head to the side. “The vet here is excellent, would you like me to call in a recommendation?” I tuck a stray piece of hair behind my ear and smile. “You think they’d see us?” “I think I can get you in.” “I would love that, thank you so much for your hotness…I mean kindness!” I close my eyes, what the fuck? He emits a deep laugh and pulls a phone from his back pocket, quickly sending a text off. “Come on, let’s get this boy into the car.” “Okay, I’ll grab his upper half,” I indicate as I bend down by Triton’s head. “You just get the door to the truck. What’s his name?” He gestures down. “Triton, well King Triton. He only gets called the full name when he’s been bad, like now.” I look down, “You’re a very bad boy.” His rolls to his side, his tail thumps on the doormat and he paws at the air again. Bo cracks a grin. “Alright buddy, you ready?” He squats down and puts his arms around Triton. He growls low. “King Triton.” My shoulders slump with exasperation. Bo pulls a hand away from Triton and holds it up to me for silence. He then looks down at Triton and growls right back in his face. Triton’s tail stops wagging and he tucks it between his legs. Bo then with a grunt, picks him up and cradles him like a baby. “Isn’t he heavy?” I question in shock. “It’s fine--” He doesn’t manage to complete his words before Triton licks his face. Triton’s tail swings back and forth as he keeps on licking Bo’s face while the poor guy carries him to the truck. Bo stops when Triton’s next swipe goes over his sunglasses leaving a big wet streak mark on them. I cover my mouth as I snort with laughter. “A little help here?” he requests as he tries to pull his head back from Triton’s lick attack. “Oh, here, let me,” I offer and step closer pulling the glasses off his face. I freeze, my knees threaten to buckle from the heat of his gaze. Bo’s eyes are a sky blue and scorching like a hot summer’s day. I can’t take my eyes off him. Triton, the brat of a dog, knows I am drooling over him and interrupts us with a whine. I release a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. “I meant the dog, but if you can hold those while we get this guy in the truck?” “Yes, let me open the door.” I turn around and jog over to the truck. Swinging the door wide open, I look back and see him striding with Triton in his arms. I stand back as he sets him in the back cabin and I am blessed with the rear view of him. “Oh my,” I whisper, my mouth dropping open at the perfect sight. He sets Triton down with ease. “Is something wrong?” Bo probes, his brows raised high, making his forehead crinkle with concern. “Not a thing.” Good job Sophia, he almost caught you gawking at his behind. But what a lovely behind it is. “Would you like me to drive?” He takes his glasses out of my hand and starts to clean them on his T-shirt. His shirt lifts slightly and I get a peek at his abs. My face heats and I wipe the sweat off my forehead. I want to see more, but Jesus, get it together Sophia! You’re supposed to be focusing on Triton, not the coach’s magnificent body. “Are you sure you have the time?” I glance over at the football field filled with athletes. “Yeah, they’ll be alright.” “Thanks so much for your help, but if you need to stay here I’m sure I can find someone to help at the vet office.” He looks down into my eyes for a moment, then puts his aviators back on, breaking the contact. “How about you sit in the back with Triton and I’ll drive?” “Sure, since you know where you’re going.” I inwardly sigh with relief. “Thanks.” I reach into my front pocket, fishing out my keys. “Here, you’ll need these.” I place them into Bo’s open hand and the second our skin touches a spark goes through me. I pull it back quickly and rub my palm frowning. What the hell was that? Bo frowns. “Static,” he states gruffly. “You ok?” he asks shaking his hand off. “I’m fine.” Still rubbing my hand, I get in the back with Triton. Bo stands for a brief second at the open door looking in at us, then nods his head once and gets into the driver’s seat.
Do you ever finish a book and just sigh in satisfaction? That is what happened to me with this book. It's not about a millionaire trying to get the virgin, no this is a story about a normal everyday couple. One that makes you get the warm and fuzzies about because you know that it could really happen. 

Sophia is a smart with a big heart and then there is Bo, and oh could this man make me mad at times. I wanted to smack him in the back of the head and be like "Wake up idiot!" He does end up redeeming himself in my eyes but let me just say for a bit there I really did want to kick his ass. 

Honey Bee has everything I enjoy in a book. It is steamy and the writing is so good. Heather has a way of transporting you into this world that consumes you and keeps you wanting to read. The characters were refreshing for me as well. I love books set in towns such as this one because I can actually see myself there. While Bo does have a dirty mouth (which HELLO, I love that shit) you can see his growth and progression as a man who does want what life has to offer him. Like I said there were times though that I wanted to smack the ever loving hell out of him. 

All in all I really truly believe Heather Shere has put together a story that will have me thinking about it for a long time to come. And let me be honest her secondary characters were awesome! I LOVED Judy (Bo's sister) that girl is my spirit animal. 

4/5 hearts for me!!! 

Heather Shere is a wife of twenty some odd years and wants you to know that you get less for murder. She’s also the mother of two adult shaped kids, who she thinks she messed up just enough to make them highly successful individuals, who are also hilarious. She has a masters degree in snark and nothing entertains her more than someone who can word battle with her. She considers herself an awesome cook and an expert baker but wants to eat out most days, however, nothing is made ‘the right way’ unless she makes it herself. When she gets bored she likes to tinker with different hobbies like crocheting, scrapbooking, stamping and card making. Her newest and most fulfilling passion is writing and she welcomes you into the deep dark depths of her mind.


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Katie McGarry's Long Way Home Blog and Excerpt tour + Giveaway!

LONG WAY HOME - Tour banner    

The highly anticipated third book in Katie McGarry’s Thunder Road Series is being released on January 31st! LONG WAY HOME is a Young Adult Contemporary Romance being published by Harlequin Teen! Pre-order your copy of the next book in this emotionally charged series, and don’t miss Violet and Chevy’s story! Check out all of the stops on this awesome tour and be sure to pre-order your copy for the amazing bonus scenes!


Seventeen-year-old Violet has always been expected to sit back and let the boys do all the saving.
It’s the code her father, a member of the Reign of Terror motorcycle club, raised her to live by. Yet when her dad is killed carrying out Terror business, Violet knows it’s up to her to do the saving. To protect herself, and her vulnerable younger brother, she needs to cut all ties with the club—including Chevy, the boy she’s known and loved her whole life.
But when a rival club comes after Violet, exposing old secrets and making new threats, she’s forced to question what she thought she knew about her father, the Reign of Terror, and what she thinks she wants. Which means re-evaluating everything: love, family, friends . . . and forgiveness.
Caught in the crosshairs between loyalty and freedom, Violet must decide whether old friends can be trusted—and if she’s strong enough to be the one person to save them all.

LONG WAY HOME Pre-Order Links:

Amazon | Kobo | BAM | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | IndieBound

"An intoxicating and unforgettable story that kept me glued to the page."
Kami Garcia, #1 New York Times bestselling author, on Walk the Edge

Add it to your Goodreads Now!

                  “Chevy,” Cyrus calls near the entrance, “We need to talk.”
                  Damned knot in the tug-of-war-rope and I’m starting to feel frayed. Mom doesn’t blink as she waits for me to say something. To tell Cyrus he can wait. To tell her what she wants to hear. But as much as I love her, I’m also drawn to the club. She’s right, I do want both.
                  “I’ll be back to pick you up later,” I say.
                  Mom throws the towel she had expertly throttled into the sink behind her, walks to the other side of the bar and the strobe light casts a red haze around her. If I didn’t know her better, I’d buy the flirty smile and the way she giggles in happiness as she leans on the bar to take a drink order. But that’s not her real smile and that’s not her real laugh. It’s part of her job, part of her act, because that’s what working her requires—performing.
                  With a kick to a barstool, I head for the exit. Cyrus walks out into the night and I follow. Once outside, Cyrus turns to me and his warm breath creates a cloud in the cool night. “We’ve had some trouble tonight with the Riot.”
                  The Riot would be a motorcycle club north of us in Louisville. They’re pissed at the Terror for myriad reasons, the main one being we’re a legit club and they deal in illegal. They’re also angry at one of our main members, Eli. They feel he stole their daughter and granddaughter from them. Eli didn’t steal a thing. Can’t call someone’s free will in walking away from crazy a crime.
                  Life sucks for the Riot and I’m fine with that. “Everything okay?”
                  “Yeah. Everyone’s safe, but we’ve had word that they’ve ridden past the boundary lines we set with them a few months back. It’s all rumor and no one on our side has confirmed it. Could be someone’s overactive imagination, but I’ll feel better knowing you’re off the road.”
                  I’m under eighteen, still a kid to him. Cyrus used to act this way with my two best friends, Oz and Razor, but both are eighteen and full members of the club now. The babysitting twists my gut, but then again, I’m not ready for the decision eighteen will bring. “How about Violet?”
                  “I’m on my way now to look for her. She’s also not answering her cell.”
                  Yeah. A lot of that going around. “If she took Stone to the game, she would have headed straight home. I’ll check on her on my way to Mom’s if you want.”
                  This gives me the excuse I need to see Violet. Because I won’t be able to sleep without knowing she’s okay. So I can thank her for what she did for me with the note. To gauge whether or not Violet is waving the white flag.
                  Cyrus lays a hand on my shoulder. “I’d appreciate that. I need to head back to the clubhouse to take care of some business. I’m serious about what I said though. Me and a lot of guys would love to hear about the game.”
                  I know they would and I’d enjoy being with them, but Mom’s already sore that I walked out on her to talk to Cyrus. “I’m beat. After I check on Violet, I’m crashing.”

                  Cyrus gives me a fast pat and a hug. We both mount our bikes and start our engines with a growl. My grandfather takes the lead and I follow him as long as I can before taking the path that leads away from him and toward where Violet lives.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Straight out the gate this story just immerses you. Within the first few chapters I was already pacing and couldn't handle the suspense of it all. I mean seriously who does that? To top it off I was like okay how can the story get better from here? There is already a climax so soon and I mean hello, how do you top that? Well let me just say Katie McGarry knows how to write and she did more than just top it, she sky rocketed it into space!!!

Since I read Walk the Edge I wanted to know what was up with Violet and Chevy. What was their story? I got a bit of background but not too much and let me say this story is so worth it. Chevy's love and devotion for Violet is unrelenting and unwavering. Every thing he does is for her whether she likes it or not. 

Violet is determined to never have anything to do with The Reign of Terror MC again, but at every turn she finds them there. While she pushes they silently wait in the background protecting her. I get why she is upset but to see how much she is loved by the MC, ugh made me so happy. 

Right from the jump you see how much Chevy and Violet love one another. He is giving her the space she needs but when true terror happens upon them, you really see how fiercely devoted they are to one another. I loved every damn minute of this book. Every twist, every turn and I mean that last twist was like OMG it all makes sense now!!! I was also happy to see Razor and Oz, I have missed this unconventional family. Everytime I read a new book in this series I am thrown back into the biker world and I love it. There is danger, excitement, drama oh the drama, loss, anticipation and so much love. 

I don't know how Katie does it, but she never disappoints. Every story is told in its own unique way. Even though they intertwine I never get tired of being in this world. I have read several MC books and they seem to all blend together but Katie's never seem that way. They are rich in character and plot, each one focuses on different aspects of the MC life that I never tire of the characters. Plus she throws in some pretty damn amazing twists and turns that has me glued to my kindle. If you are looking for a series that will leaving you reeling then this is the one for you. 

Don’t Miss the First Two Titles in the Thunder Road Series! Grab your copies today!





Pre-order LONG WAY HOME by Katie McGarry, and fill out THIS FORM, to receive three previously unreleased bonus scenes featuring important “firsts” in the lives of your favorite characters from the world of Katie McGarry! Complete the form to register your pre-order at Offer Ends 1/31/17 at 11:59pm EST.

Katie McGarry’s LONG WAY HOME – Review & Excerpt Tour Schedule:
January 23rd
Aaly and The Books – Review & Excerpt
Angel Reads – Review
Books,Dreams,Life – Excerpt
Feed Your Fiction Addiction – Review & Excerpt
Girl Plus Books – Review & Excerpt
Letter Shelves Blog – Review & Excerpt
The Book Hammock – Review & Excerpt
January 24th
Book Boyfriend Reviews – Review & Excerpt
Ficwishes – Review
Lovin' Los Libros – Review
Zach's YA Reviews – Review & Excerpt
January 25th
Always YA at Heart – Review & Excerpt
Bridget's Book Bungalow – Review & Excerpt
Mythical Books – Excerpt
Swoony Boys Podcast – Review & Excerpt
January 26th
A Bookish Escape – Review & Excerpt
Book Sojourner – Review & Excerpt
Crazii Bitches Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
Dark Faerie Tales – Review & Excerpt
January 27th
Bookshelf Adventures – Review & Excerpt
Little Read Riding Hood – Review & Excerpt
Nerdy Soul – Review & Excerpt
Random Book Muses – Review & Excerpt
Writing My Own Fairy Tale – Review & Excerpt
January 28th
Zili in the Sky – Review & Excerpt
Greyland Reviews – Excerpt
Chasing Faerytales – Review
January 29th
Book Angel Booktopia – Review & Excerpt
BookWorm221 – Review & Excerpt
Confessions of 2 Book Lovers – Review & Excerpt
Milky Way of Books – Review & Excerpt
January 30th
Margie's Must Reads – Review & Excerpt
Oh My Growing TBR – Review & Excerpt
Readers Live A Thousand Lives – Review & Excerpt
So Bookalicious – Review & Excerpt
January 31st
Desert Divas Book Addiction – Review & Excerpt
Little Bookworm Reviews – Review & Excerpt
With Love for Books – Review & Excerpt
The Cover Contessa – Review & Excerpt
February 1st
A Leisure Moment – Review
Book Bite Reviews – Review & Excerpt
Never Judge a Book by its Cover – Review & Excerpt
Pages to Explore – Excerpt
Red Hot + Blue Reads – review & Excerpt
Stuck In Books – Review & Excerpt
February 2nd
Actin' Up with Books – Review & Excerpt
Contagious Reads – Review & Excerpt
Go Read A Book – Review
The Book Maven – Review & Excerpt
February 3rd
A Gingerly Review – Review & Excerpt
Bookish Hollow – Review & Excerpt
G & T's Indie Café – Excerpt
Lovely Reads Publishing – Review & Excerpt
Vera is Reading – Excerpt
I Heart YA Books – Review & Excerpt
LONG WAY HOME - teaser 3 Fotolia update

Katie McGarry - author pic     Katie McGarry was a teenager during the age of grunge and boy bands and remembers those years as the best and worst of her life. She is a lover of music, happy endings, reality television, and is a secret University of Kentucky basketball fan. Katie is the author of full length YA novels, PUSHING THE LIMITS, DARE YOU TO, CRASH INTO YOU, TAKE ME ON, BREAKING THE RULES, NOWHERE BUT HERE and WALK THE EDGE and the e-novellas, CROSSING THE LINE and RED AT NIGHT. Her debut YA novel, PUSHING THE LIMITS was a 2012 Goodreads Choice Finalist for YA Fiction, a RT Magazine’s 2012 Reviewer’s Choice Awards Nominee for Young Adult Contemporary Novel, a double Rita Finalist, and a 2013 YALSA Top Ten Teen Pick. DARE YOU TO was also a Goodreads Choice Finalist for YA Fiction and won RT Magazine’s Reviewer’s Choice Best Book Award for Young Adult Contemporary fiction in 2013.  

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Tumblr | Pinterest | Goodreads


Monday, January 23, 2017

Honey Bee By Heather Shere Release Day Blitz

IT'S LIVE! Grab the book that has everyone BUZZING!
BUY NOW #FREE with #KindleUnlimited!!

 Love can be as sweet as honey, or it can sting like a bee. Bo Smith knows that if you go looking for honey, you get stung, so he has his life just how he wants it. No hassles, no complications, and no heartache. As the handsome high school athletics coach, he would be the pick of the small town he grew up in...if he was into commitment, or dating...or even calling back. But he has sworn off anything resembling a future and his mind isn't going to change. Then his eyes lock on the new girl in town...She’s beautiful, intelligent, and full of surprises. Just the kind of complication he has been avoiding. Sophia Brown is looking for the sweet simple life. She has it all planned out. Getting used to life alone isn't easy, but she has her garden, her bees, and her dog Triton to tend to. It's the fresh start she's been dreaming of, surrounded by nothing but open fields to stare at all day. Nothing at all...unless you count the high school football team and their distractingly handsome coach, practicing right across the street. But when sparks fly, Bo must choose between the sting of his past or the sweetness of the future. He may just find that honey tastes good on everything.
young couple in loving embrace kissing one another

Heather Shere is a wife of twenty some odd years and wants you to know that you get less for murder. She’s also the mother of two adult shaped kids, who she thinks she messed up just enough to make them highly successful individuals, who are also hilarious. She has a masters degree in snark and nothing entertains her more than someone who can word battle with her. She considers herself an awesome cook and an expert baker but wants to eat out most days, however, nothing is made ‘the right way’ unless she makes it herself. When she gets bored she likes to tinker with different hobbies like crocheting, scrapbooking, stamping and card making. Her newest and most fulfilling passion is writing and she welcomes you into the deep dark depths of her mind.
Author Links:
Website: Facebook: Twitter: Goodreads: Amazon:

Monday, January 2, 2017

Cover Reveal for Heather Shere's Honey Bee

On January 23rd you'll find that honey tastes good on everything. Honey Bee by Heather Shere is the breakout debut novel that is worth the buzz!
Image: Wander Aguiar Photography Model: Jase Dean Cover Design: Rebel Graphics
young couple in loving embrace kissing one another
Add to Goodreads:

Love can be as sweet as honey, or it can sting like a bee. Bo Smith knows that if you go looking for honey, you get stung, so he has his life just how he wants it. No hassles, no complications, and no heartache. As the handsome high school athletics coach, he would be the pick of the small town he grew up in...if he was into commitment, or dating...or even calling back. But he has sworn off anything resembling a future and his mind isn't going to change. Then his eyes lock on the new girl in town...She’s beautiful, intelligent, and full of surprises. Just the kind of complication he has been avoiding. Sophia Brown is looking for the sweet simple life. She has it all planned out. Getting used to life alone isn't easy, but she has her garden, her bees, and her dog Triton to tend to. It's the fresh start she's been dreaming of, surrounded by nothing but open fields to stare at all day. Nothing at all...unless you count the high school football team and their distractingly handsome coach, practicing right across the street. But when sparks fly, Bo must choose between the sting of his past or the sweetness of the future. He may just find that honey tastes good on everything. honeybee_teaser1new honeybee_promo2

Heather Shere is a wife of twenty some odd years and wants you to know that you get less for murder. She’s also the mother of two adult shaped kids, who she thinks she messed up just enough to make them highly successful individuals, who are also hilarious. She has a masters degree in snark and nothing entertains her more than someone who can word battle with her. She considers herself an awesome cook and an expert baker but wants to eat out most days; however, nothing is made ‘the right way’ unless she makes it herself. When she gets bored she likes to tinker with different hobbies like crocheting, scrapbooking, stamping and card making. Her newest and most fulfilling passion is writing and she welcomes you into the deep dark depths of her mind.
Connect with Heather!