Sometimes, the rabbit hole is deeper than expected . . .
Alice Reeve and Finn Van Brunt have tumbled into a life of secrets. Some secrets they share, such as their employment by the clandestine organization known as The Collectors’ Society. Other secrets they carry within them, fighting to keep buried the things that could change everything they think they know.
On the hunt for an elusive villain who is hell-bent on destroying legacies, Alice, Finn, and the rest of the Society are desperate to unravel the mysteries surrounding them. But the farther they spiral down this rabbit hole, the deeper they fall into secrets that will test their loyalties and pit them against enemies both new and old.
Secrets, they come to find, can reveal the deadliest of truths.
The review I did on book one of this series, The Collectors Society the first thing I wrote was about how beautiful the cover was. Same goes for this cover. This cover is just gorgeous. It goes great with the storyline.
This book begins right where the other left off. If you have not read that book yet, you really need to. Alice is still kick ass and Finn is still hot. I love the way the Heather Lyons writes. I thought I was prepared to read this, I mean I hadn't finished The Collectors Society that long ago, but still it captivated me. I was once again thrown into this magical world, plucked from my reality. It was fantastical.
I don't want to give anything away. Let me just say that this author's mind is one that created a stunning world, that makes me question her sanity. Trust me this is not a bad thing, on the contrary it is wonderful. She was able to capture great literary characters and breathe new life into them. Life that has me wondering what will happen next. Did I need sleep? Well I did but, I couldn't stop reading so that had to wait. Shower? Ummm well lets just say its a good thing that you were not around while I was reading this.
When I thought the book was going to go one way, it took an unexpected turn. I love the fact that the author kept me on my toes. The twists just kept coming, and Tom Sawyer....seriously!?
All I can say is that Heather Lyons has done an extraordinary job in bringing these characters to life. Riveting and unexpected, it had me hooked from page one. If you are looking for a series that will keep you on your toes and your head spinning than this is the series for you. If you love classic books and characters this is the series for you. If you love expoloring new worlds then this is the series for you. I could keep going because this series has it all.
There is romance and adventure. I love Finn and Alice. Together they make a great couple, one I would have never thought about together until Heather wrote this book and now they are my OTP!
Don’t miss the first book in this series, THE COLLECTORS’ SOCIETY!
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